Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 180 She Was Drunk and Threatened Her

Chapter 180 She Was Drunk and Threatened Her

There are many empty wine bottles on the table.

He... is still drinking.If he drinks like this, can he survive until tomorrow?
Jie Yiyi walked down lightly, seeing Jie Yiyi coming down, Yan Yifeng threw the wine glass in his hand at her foot, cursing harsh words, "Jie Yiyi, you wolf-hearted woman, how dare you reject me. "

"It's the first time that I, Yan Yifeng, prepared a surprise for a woman. You said I don't understand romance. It's the first time that I, Yan Yifeng, confessed to a woman. You dare not accept my love. You are a fucking heartless woman."

Jie Yiyi ignored his scolding, stepped forward and snatched his bottle, "Yan Yifeng, don't drink any more!"

Yan Yifeng closed his eyes slightly, not letting her grab his wine glass, and stared at her coldly, "You care about me?! Get lost... I don't want to see you again!"

He had a strong smell of alcohol, which made people easily dizzy, Jie Yiyi pushed her onto the sofa, "Yan Yifeng, you've had enough, don't drink any more."

"Jie Yiyi, you have no fucking conscience, you stole my heart and wanted to leave, you have no conscience." Yan Yifeng leaned in her arms and said drunkenly.

Listening to Yan Yifeng's words, Jie Yiyi felt a strange emotion in his heart.

Just because she rejected him, he would get drunk with wine?
It is said that after drinking, he will tell the truth, so Yan Yifeng, he... Could it be that he really likes her?

"Bump—" Yan Yifeng dropped the wine bottle, and was about to take another bottle, Jie Yiyi hurriedly stopped him, "Yan Yifeng, stop drinking, I'll help you upstairs to rest."

Saying that, Jie Yiyi helped him up and was about to go upstairs, but Yan Yifeng stretched out his hand to hold her tightly in his arms, squinted at her, but didn't speak.

"Yan Yifeng, you are drunk."

"I'm not drunk."

"you're drunk."

"I'm not drunk."

"You're just drunk, I'll help you upstairs..."

"Jie Yiyi, if you talk too much, I will rape you." After speaking, Yan Yifeng buried her in her arms.

Jie Yiyi gave him a blank look, she was so stubborn when she was drunk, and threatened her even when she was drunk.How domineering is this man?
Buried in her arms, he didn't speak anymore, panting heavily, eyes closed, peacefully like a child.

Glancing at the second floor, the servants had already fallen asleep at this time, Jie Yiyi was too embarrassed to wake them up, so she had to help him upstairs alone.

When going up the stairs, the two almost fell down several times, but fortunately there were handrails to stabilize them so they didn't fall.

Damn Yan Yifeng, it's too heavy, the whole body is on her body, and the bones are about to fall apart.

Finally came to the bed~, Jie Yiyi just wanted to put Yan Yifeng down, but he suddenly moved, vomited, vomited, and vomited on her body.

"Yan Yifeng, you bastard!" Seeing that his pajamas were stained with his vomit, Jie Yiyi was so angry that she wanted to kill someone.

However, she has already brought him up from the stairs, so she can't let him sleep with his body dirty, otherwise, she will be disgusted to death.

In desperation, she had no choice but to drag him to the bathroom, take off his clothes, wash his body, and she was also stained.

The warm water rushed on him, Yan Yifeng felt better, and with a little consciousness, he opened his eyes.

When the shower fell, Jie Yiyi's whole body was soaked in water, and her pajamas clung to her body, sticking out her curves, her eyes and lips wetted by water looked particularly alluring.

Yan Yifeng's blood boiled with enthusiasm, and a wave of enthusiasm rushed down.

"Jie Yiyi."

Jie Yiyi raised her head and stared at him coldly, "You vomited all over me, it's disgusting, do you know..."

(End of this chapter)

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