Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 182 Drunk to Amnesia

Chapter 182 Drunk to Amnesia
Feng's mother opened the door and came in, "Mr. Yan, what's the matter?"

"Ask the doctor to come in and show her!" Yan Yifeng said coldly.

Jie Yiyi glanced at Feng's mother with a consulting look, she gave her a wink, and then said, "Mr. Yan, Miss Jie just woke up."

Yan Yifeng turned his head and gave Jie Yiyi a cold look, "You just opened your eyes and talked in your sleep?!" He was suspicious.

Jie Yiyi scratched her head and nodded, "It seems so."

Yan Yifeng breathed a sigh of relief, but he did not forget to mock her, "Stupid!"

After observing for a long time, seeing that Yan Yifeng didn't seem to be pretending, Jie Yiyi understood and didn't refute him.

Yan Yifeng turned and walked into the bathroom.

Seeing him close the door, Jie Yiyi lifted the quilt and got off the bed, and went to another room with Mama Feng, and had a conversation.

This man Yan Yifeng is too weird. How can a man with such a good memory forget things?

"Mother Feng, when you were cleaning today, did you see the wine bottles downstairs?"

Jie Yiyi wondered if what happened last night was a nightmare of her own.

But Mama Feng nodded, "Yes, a lot."

"Then Yan Yifeng...how could he be like this? He doesn't look like a person who has drunk at all today, and he forgot what happened yesterday."

It was the first time she had seen such a strange person.

Mama Feng looked outside the door and dared to speak after making sure that there was no figure of Yan Yifeng outside the door, "Hey... Mr. Yan usually doesn't drink like this crazy, he will only when it makes him uncomfortable and out of control."

"Did Miss Jie quarrel with Mr. Yan again yesterday?" Mother Feng asked.

Jie Yiyi bit her lip, and recalled in her mind, the scene when Yan Yifeng yelled that he fell in love with her, she didn't know if it was a quarrel, she just rejected him.

"I didn't. He went crazy himself." She confessed honestly.

Feng's mother shook her head, "I've been with Mr. Yan for so long, and I've only seen him twice when he drank to the point of amnesia. The first time was on the anniversary of his mother's death, and it's just now."

Otherwise, if this happened, Mama Feng would have called the doctor long ago.

"That day, Mr. Yan was in a bad mood and broke a lot of things at home. Later, he drank alcohol and became unconscious. But the next day, Mr. Yan got up and went to work normally."

"To make him drunk like this, what happened yesterday must have made him very sad, right? Fortunately, Mr. Yan forgot, otherwise Miss Jie..."

It turned out that Yan Yifeng was so sad that he wanted to try his best to forget, which led to this... Then he was so sad because she rejected him?
When this reverie appeared in her mind, she startled herself. How could a man as arrogant as Yan Yifeng be so sad because of a woman's rejection?


"Mother Feng, actually Yan Yifeng..." Jie Yiyi wanted to tell Mama Feng what happened yesterday, but out of Yan Yifeng's face, she kept her mouth shut.

"Miss Jie, just say whatever you want!" Seeing her hesitant to speak, Jie Yiyi shook her head, "It's okay."

Feng Ma sighed lightly, "Miss Jie, you should cherish Mr. Yan, in fact, he is really good to you."

Jie Yiyi glanced at Feng's mother helplessly, she had said this to her many times, she admitted that Yan Yifeng was indeed nice to her sometimes, but not everyone could bear it when he lost his temper.

(End of this chapter)

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