Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 183 True Love's Manuscript

Chapter 183 True Love's Manuscript

As she said that, Mama Feng took out a piece of paper from somewhere and handed it to her, "I accidentally saw this when I was tidying Mr. Yan's closet."

"Because I saw that the drawing above was a bit similar to the necklace you wore around your neck, I took it secretly, but I never gave it to you."

Jie Yiyi took the piece of paper handed over by Feng Ma, opened it, and saw the teardrop on the necklace at a glance, and the necklace and ring on the drawing were exactly the same as the one on her neck. This was the manuscript of True Love.

The original book below is signed with Yan Yifeng's name, and there is a sentence next to it: If you are a tear in my eyes, I will not cry in this life, because I am afraid of losing!
Holding the manuscript tightly in her hand, Jie Yiyi froze.

It turns out that the necklace and ring on her neck were designed by him himself?
No wonder he didn't let her take off the ring that day, and he even scolded her for being a wolf.

She thought that he took her to the jewelry store that day just to annoy Yu Shaofan, let her know about their engagement, and then laughed at her to make her sad.

However, this is not the case. This manuscript was drawn by him during their Cold War period.

She might have misunderstood him... She remembered, on the cruise ship, the words in the bouquet of roses, he said, I hope it's still too late!
Perhaps, his intention was just to apologize to her, hoping to make up for those mistakes in time.

But she mistakenly thought that he was just trying to show Yu Shaofan his wealth, and she scolded him for not understanding the meaning of the ring. It turned out that he understood everything, but she just misunderstood him.

But at that time, why didn't he explain?Also, in the jewelry store, how did the waiter say that it was ordered from Paris?

As if a five-flavor bottle was knocked over suddenly, her heart was sour.

"Actually, Mr. Yan has done a lot of things for Miss Jie, but Mr. Yan won't let me tell you that Mr. Yan ordered me to bring you those ointments and cold medicines in the servant's room last time."

"And that day, when Ms. Jie finished cleaning the dishes, it was Mr. Yan who carried you up. That night, Mr. Yan also stayed up all night, standing at the stairs and watching Ms. Jie."

"Sometimes, seeing Ms. Jie misunderstood Mr. Yan, Mama Feng's heart aches."

"Maybe, Mr. Yan belongs to Miss Aijie, but everyone expresses it in a different way."

"Even though he didn't talk sweetly, even though he was a little grumpy and even unscrupulous, but if something happened to Miss Jie, Mr. Yan would definitely be the first man to appear in front of you to protect you."

What Feng Ma said made Jie Yiyi's heart ache.

What she said seems to be correct. When something happened to her, Yan Yifeng was the first man who appeared in front of her eyes. When she was sad, he was also by her side.

'There are many ways to love, and unscrupulous is also one. '

'Jie Yiyi, listen carefully, I don't want to take revenge on you now, I just want to lock you into my heart'

'I'm fucking in love with you, in love with you, don't you understand? '

'Jie Yiyi, you are a fucking wolf, this is the first time I confess my love to a woman, how dare you refuse me? '

His words echoed in her mind again, Jie Yiyi suddenly felt a little hateful about what he said last night.

He did all this because he really liked her?

Looking at the manuscript, Jie Yiyi could even imagine Yan Yifeng's appearance when he was serious, concentrating and frowning.

(End of this chapter)

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