Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 188 You have to wear it yourself!

Chapter 188 You have to wear it yourself!

Such a revealing swimsuit?Yan Yifeng sneered, "Have you ever seen a swimsuit that is not revealing?" He asked back.

Jie Yiyi slammed the closet shut, "I won't wear it. If you want to wear it, you can do it yourself!"

She doesn't want to dress so ugly.Moreover, she didn't want to learn swimming at all.

Raising his eyebrows, Yan Yifeng looked at her ambiguously, "Shy?"

Shy asshole, she doesn't want to be taken advantage of by him.

Just when he was about to speak, Yan Yifeng's sneering voice came from his lips, "Is there anything on you that I haven't seen?"

"In front of me, it's the same whether you wear clothes or not, because I can imagine what you look like naked at any time."

"You..." Is he sure he wants to be so shameless?

Seeing his scrutinizing eyes, Jie Yiyi hurriedly covered her body, the redness on her face burned to her heels.

"Heh! Pick it or not! If you don't pick it, I'll pick it for you!" Yan Yifeng smiled, and stretched out his hand to open the wardrobe.

Jie Yiyi stopped him and stared at him fiercely, "I can do it myself."

Let him choose, it is better to let her die!

"You wait for me outside!" Jie Yiyi told him to leave.

Yan Yifeng evoked a wicked smile, and wanted to tease her, but at this moment, the phone rang.

Glancing at the caller ID, Yan Yifeng walked out of the balcony and answered the phone.

A man's voice came from the other side, "Mr. Yan."

"What's the matter?" Yan Yifeng asked impatiently.

The other party's voice was trembling, "I want to tell you, about the plan to attack Yu Shi last time, Mr. Yan, are you planning to let Yu Shi go?"

Hearing Yu Shi, Yan Yifeng's face darkened, "Why did I say such a thing? Huh?!"

"The team has been attacking according to the way we planned, but there is not much movement on Yu's side. He seems to know that we are attacking him secretly. No matter what plan we adopt, he will always solve it smoothly!"

"Also about the cooperation, Lin's side has also started, but Yu Shaofan's big projects are not in Lin's hands."

"Moreover, I always vaguely feel that his background is not as simple as what we see. There are certain people behind him supporting him."

Yan Yifeng's face darkened, "So you are here to report to me now, you can't do this list?!"

"No, I want to ask, Mr. Yan, are you sure you didn't show that plan to anyone else..."

Yan Yifeng interrupted him coldly, "Are you questioning me?!"

"...I have been following this case all along. Our team has been working together for more than ten years, and we have always been united. It is impossible to..."

"So, you suspect that I disclosed the plan to Yu Shi? What the hell do you think I am, Yan Yifeng?!"

"President Yan, calm down."

"Check it out for me!! I'll give you another week, and if you don't see Yu's going bankrupt, you can disappear in City S!!"

"But Mr. Yan..."

"I don't listen to nonsense!! Don't fucking suspect me!!"

"Yes, I guarantee that after a week, Mr. Yan will see the most satisfying news."

"Pa—" Yan Yifeng hung up the phone coldly.

Damn it! !Dare to doubt him.

Coming in from the outside, Jie Yiyi stood in the closet and fumbled without changing clothes.

Yan Yifeng looked angry, and grabbed her shoulders, "Jie Yiyi, I want you to change clothes, not just standing here in a daze!! Why are you in a daze when you have nothing to do?!"

Jie Yiyi hid her little hands behind her back, a little flustered, "I...I've been looking for styles."

(End of this chapter)

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