Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 189 Change in front of me!

Chapter 189 Change in front of me!
"What kind of style are you looking for? You don't need to wear it, just go straight down!!" Yan Yifeng dragged her to leave.

Jie Yiyi grabbed the door of the closet and refused to leave, "I don't want it, I'll pick it, I'll pick it right away."

Yan Yifeng's face was gloomy and cold, he didn't speak, but let her go, Jie Yiyi slowly took out a swimsuit, turned around and was about to enter the bathroom.

Yan Yifeng grabbed her and put down the order, "Change here!!"

Is this woman out of her mind?Didn't he say that he can imagine her naked body at any time, what's the difference between a bathroom and a room?

"If you keep procrastinating, I can't guarantee that I will rape you here."

Jie Yiyi stared at him coldly, "Yan Yifeng, why are you angry at me for nothing! Change it."

She turned her back and was about to take off her clothes, but Yan Yifeng turned her around, "Change in front of me!"

Damn woman, she didn't know that she would be more attractive with her back turned?

Jie Yiyi clenched her fist and was about to smash it, Yan Yifeng gave a warning look, and she compromised, "Bird~ beast!"

As he said, he has already seen where he should see, so there is nothing to be ashamed of, she comforted herself.

After glaring at him dissatisfied, Jie Yiyi quickly took off her dress, and then put it on again.

Yan Yifeng stared at her, but didn't intend to touch her.

Still, it could be seen from his tense face that he was on his back.

Jie Yiyi didn't dare to look at him, and kept her head down throughout the whole process. After changing, Yan Yifeng carried her horizontally to the swimming pool.

Throwing the swimming ring down for her, he said coldly, "Put it on, go down and swim a couple of laps for me to see!"

He sat on the recliner, and the servant made black tea and snacks for him.

Holding the swimming ring in her hands, Jie Yiyi looked at him puzzled. She suspected that this man didn't really want to teach her how to swim, but wanted to see her make a fool of himself.

After a long time, she finally squeezed out such a sentence, "But, the water in the pool is very cold!"

"The water inside is hot!"

She caught a cold from the cold last time, so when he ordered someone to clean the swimming pool, change the water to hot water.

"Oh." Jie Yiyi put the swimming ring on her body, sat down on the bank of the pool, tried carefully, and then slowly jumped off.

She thought that she would sink to the bottom of the water like last time, but under the protection of the swimming ring, it was the opposite, she floated on the surface of the water.

Warm water wrapped around her body, and there was bright sunshine, although Jie Yiyi still had a little shadow of drowning, but gradually, her mood became happier.

She thought she would sink to the bottom all of a sudden like last time, but under the protection of the swimming ring, she floated on the surface of the water.

The warm water washed her body, and there was bright sunshine again. Although Jie Yiyi was a little scared, she felt happy.

Yan Yifeng drank black tea comfortably, staring straight at the mermaid in the swimming pool.

The white and tender skin became smoother after being soaked in the pool water. She patted her little hands, revealing her breasts hidden deep in his eyes...

A gust of heat rushed down, Yan Yifeng's eyes darkened, he put down the black tea, got up, and went down with a beautiful diving movement.

Jie Yiyi was having fun by herself, when she saw Yan Yifeng coming down, she swam to the other side, "Yan Yifeng, I think I've got it!"

He dived to the bottom of the water with his whole body, swimming easily, appearing extremely proficient, and he came to her side after a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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