Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 194 Stealing secrets and passing them to Yu Shaofan?

Chapter 194 Stealing secrets and passing them to Yu Shaofan?

On the ground, the documents that Yan Yifeng dropped just now were scattered. She took a quick look and found that they were all her communication records with Yu Shaofan in the past few weeks.

There are even photos of her and Yu Shaofan in the same room at the banquet that night...

These all happened two weeks ago, Jie Yiyi always thought that this incident was over, but it was finally exposed.

After packing up those photos, Jie Yiyi got up and wanted to explain, "Yan Yifeng...Actually..."

But at this moment, Yan Yifeng was like an enraged violent wolf. He lifted his foot, kicked her to the ground, and scolded her coldly, "Jie Yiyi, I can't tell, you are so fucking scheming!!"

"I, Yan Yifeng, am a fucking idiot, that's why I was fooled around by you Jie Yiyi. Do you feel that you have done a lot of wrong things and feel sorry for me, so you want to compensate me in a flattering way?! Huh?!"

Jie Yiyi was kicked and fell to the ground, Yan Yifeng grabbed her hair regardless of her pain, a dizziness came from her head, Jie Yiyi hurriedly shook her head, "Yan Yifeng, listen to my explanation."

"Things are not as you imagined. I didn't think so much at the beginning. I didn't expect that such a plan would cost you billions. I didn't mean it..."

"Pa——" Yan Yifeng didn't listen to her explanation at all, and slapped her on the face, "I didn't think that much? Is it not clear enough? Is this clear enough? Huh?!"

A piercing pain spread from his face to his chest, Jie Yiyi covered her swollen face with her hands, looked at him, and didn't speak.

If she knew that it was related to Yan Yifeng's money, she would definitely not mess with his secrets.

"Oh! I fucking doubted the whole world but didn't doubt you!"

"I trust you so much, I love you so much, and I'm afraid you'll get angry and break up with Ai Shishi. How about you, use my absence to steal secrets from my office and pass them on to Yu Shaofan?!"

"That day you were hiding in the toilet, and when you saw me coming back, you were afraid that I would find out that you had called Yu Shaofan, so you deliberately used lipstick to distract me, making me mistakenly think that you were taking birth control pills!! Is it right?!!"

That day, he still felt guilty because of Ai Shishi's sudden appearance, which affected her mood. He was so stupid that he swore to her that he would never touch any woman again, but she... Heh! !
His words pierced the conspiracy that had been hidden in her heart for a long time, Jie Yiyi had a stiff expression of guilt on her face, and after a while, she said, "Yes, I admit it, but Yan Yifeng..."

very good!She answered yes!
She relied on his trust in her, so she dared to play tricks under his nose!
"But?!" The slender hand grabbed her neck fiercely, Yan Yifeng said through gritted teeth, "I, Yan Yifeng, don't listen to any but!!"

"Is Yu Shaofan the only one in your fucking eyes?! Hmm?! Don't think I don't know, where did you go on the day of the engagement banquet?!! After you were in the room with Yu Shaofan, you dared to lie to me that you were lost Already! Heh!!"

"I'm afraid that you will be sad, and I don't want to leave you with bad memories. I'll book the whole venue for you, make you happy, set off fireworks for you, and you still scold me for not being romantic after you're done with your old lover?! "

In the past few days, his mind has been empty, as if he lacked some memory. Later, after turning on the video and watching the video, he found out that he was the one who confessed to him, was rejected, and was drunk...

(End of this chapter)

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