Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 195 Don't Feel Sorry For Me, Do You?

Chapter 195 Don't Feel Sorry For Me, Do You?
"Yu Shaofan told you not to fall in love with me, so after the fireworks were set off that day, you scolded me for not being able to love, and hoped that I would pity you, sympathize with you, and let you go, fulfilling you and Yu Shaofan, right?! Huh?! "

"What the hell did you promise me? You're going to break off ties with Yu Shaofan and never communicate again. I believe it. I believe it. What about you?! Help him steal my business secrets, help him attack me, you're a fucking bitch !"

It was the first time he treated a woman with a little stick, and spent a lot of money to prepare everything for her, just to get a touch from her. It's fine if she didn't appreciate it, and he even helped his old lover to beat him! !Ah!

"Speak! Don't fucking pretend I'm dumb!!" Yan Yifeng pinched her fiercely, and there was only heartlessness in his eyes full of violence.

Jie Yiyi's face was flushed, and she wanted to break away from her hand, but his strength was so amazing that she couldn't bear it until her fingertips were turning white, she said intermittently, "Yan Yifeng, don't be like this..."

"At that time, I just felt guilty for him and didn't want him to go bankrupt."

In fact, she has always wanted to find a chance to confess to Yan Yifeng and sincerely apologize to him for this matter, but there was no chance. In fact, she was even more afraid that such a day would happen.

"Guilty?! Heh! Then you won't feel sorry for me if you do this, will you?! Huh?"

Yan Yifeng growled.The anger in his eyes became stronger, and every word he said could be seen clearly, and he bit very hard, as if he wanted to chew her into pieces in his mouth.

At the beginning, Jie Yiyi still had the strength to resist, but later on, his strength became stronger and stronger, and she was about to collapse. Yan Yifeng was really angry, and he wished he could kill her immediately.

"You...your family...is so rich, there is no shortage of Yu's company, why do you want to attack him?"

"I... We, we were originally a loving couple. You broke us up. He still has me in his heart and cares about me. What's wrong? Why do you treat him like this? "

She and Yan Yifeng had a very happy time in the past few days, because of Feng Ma's words, her attitude towards him has begun to improve. She cooks for him and cares about him, not because of something wrong, but because of his a manuscript.

She admitted that she was moved by his intentions, and she hoped that her life could go on like this forever without angering Yan Yifeng.

Although she has been very careful, reality is often the opposite of dreams, and she angered him again.

In the detailed plan to crack down on Yu's report just now, she saw the amount of Yan Yifeng's loss and Yu Shaofan's income.

That large number, like a stone suddenly dropped from the world, made her breathless.

And that slap by Yan Yifeng just now hurt her so much, as if her entire face was torn apart, not only on the skin, but also on the soul...

This is the second time that Yan Yifeng hit her, she would not blame Yan Yifeng for his lack of demeanor, because all of this was her own fault!

"Heh!" Yan Yifeng laughed coldly and mercilessly, "You fucking know nothing!!"

Because of her, he has already let Yu Shaofan go many times, but Yu Shaofan insisted on going against him over his own strength! !Hit him hard! !

After being oppressed for so long, Jie Yiyi knew that she had no hope of living, she closed her eyes in pain, "Yan Yifeng, I caused you to lose so much money, you kill me, kill me, I might die Feel better."

(End of this chapter)

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