Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 196 Let Her Go Social 2

Chapter 196 Let Her Go Social 2
Jie Yiyi stretched out her hand and rubbed the wound on the corner of her mouth. With a light touch, all the nerves in her body ached.

Jie Yiyi didn't know what Yan Yifeng wanted to do, but she knew that asking her to put on makeup would definitely not be a good thing.

She turned her head stiffly, with tears in her eyes, "Yan Yifeng, tell me, what do you have to do to forgive me? I will try my best to make up for my mistakes. Can you tell me to make me dress like this?" , where are you taking me?"

Yan Yifeng's face was tense, and after hearing her words, he suddenly smiled evilly, "Don't worry! I won't sell you!! Put on my makeup obediently, and just behave well later!!"

His voice is deadly and pleasant, not indifferent, but it is the terrifying voice of a demon in hell, and those sharp eyes like blades can kill people at any time.

She stared at his handsome face, and her heart throbbed over and over again. No one thought that one second, they were still kissing passionately, but the next second...

After a long silence, Jie Yiyi choked up and said, "I... I haven't put on makeup."

Yan Yifeng smiled even more sinisterly, "Never transformed before? Huh?!" He pinched her chin and lifted it up, "It's okay, I'll help you transform!"

After finishing speaking, he picked up a box of liquid foundation in one hand and wiped it on her face with a puff. He was not gentle, but extremely rough, which made her wound hurt like a knife, but Jie Yiyi did not resist.

The foundation covered up the scars on her face, a clean and fair face appeared in front of his eyes, Yan Yifeng curled his lips in satisfaction, and then painted her eyes with black eyeshadow and lipstick...

A few minutes later, Jie Yiyi's face has become ugly, because of the heavy makeup, compared with her pure and pure before, this makes Yan Yifeng feel sick.

Coupled with the skirt on her body, she is completely dressed like a skilled girl, very coquettish.

Seeing herself in front of the mirror, she really wanted to escape, she was afraid to see herself like this.

If you look at it more, you can't help panting in your stomach, because she is too cheap to look directly at her, so she can't help but cover her mouth.

Yan Yifeng couldn't help mocking, "What? Do you feel disgusting?!"

"Don't be wronged! I just took off the mask for you, you know, you are such a cheap person!"

"Yan Yifeng..." Jie Yiyi stopped him, she looked at him pleadingly, "Can you let me change this clothes."

She is not Ai Shishi, she can't handle this kind of clothes.

His hair was pulled violently, Yan Yifeng leaned over and sneered, "What qualifications do you think you have to negotiate terms with me now?! Huh?!"

"I beg you, you can punish me however you want, let me change into this outfit, I will please you, I will make you happy!" Jie Yiyi begged.

"Sorry! I'm not interested in a woman like you anymore!! You caused me to lose billions of dollars. If I don't use you to make it back, how can I be worthy of you? Heh! Come with me!"

Yan Yifeng dragged her out of the room.

"Don't..." Jie Yiyi held the doorknob and refused to let him go. She knew what Yan Yifeng wanted to do, he wanted her to accompany him to socialize.

In the past, she accompanied her father to a social event, she had seen that scene before, it was disgusting!
Yan Yifeng pulled her with a brute force, she refused to let go, he turned his head ferociously, and said coldly, "I can't help you!!"

The scene of being raped in the amusement park floated in front of her eyes again. The man's ferocious and wretched face made her vomit, "Yan Yifeng, I was wrong! During this time, I have worked hard to change the way I feel about myself. Your attitude, give me another chance!"

(End of this chapter)

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