Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 197 One family will die in my hands!

Chapter 197 The whole family will die in my hands!
While speaking, Jie Yiyi let go of the doorknob, stepped forward and hugged him firmly.

She admitted that she did it for Yu Shaofan the first two times, but this time, she was sincere, and she sincerely begged him to forgive.

But she didn't know that such a move would only make Yan Yifeng more angry, he pushed her away indifferently, "Enough! Don't play this kind of trick in front of me, it's outdated!"

He Yan Yifeng is not a fool, he will not believe her again and again after being deceived by her!
This time, no matter what she said, he would never soften his heart towards her! !
"Yan Yifeng... Listen to me, I'm serious this time, I've had a good time with you during this time, I've decided..."

Jie Yiyi wanted to continue to say something, but Yan Yifeng's face had already darkened, and he didn't want to listen to any more nonsense, so he violently dragged her away.

Whether he is serious or not, he won't listen! !Just do it!No matter how you explain it, it is superfluous!
"Yan Yifeng..." At the parking lot, Jie Yiyi still didn't want to follow, because she knew that the consequences would be disastrous.

Yan Yifeng let her make her own choice, picked her up and stuffed her into the car, the more afraid she was, the less he would let her go!
In his entire life, Yan Yifeng had never been played by a woman like this, and he wanted her to pay a terrible price! !

Is it cheap?He wouldn't mind letting her do something meaner! !

"Bo An, drive to the palace!" After getting into the car, Yan Yifeng ordered coldly.

Through the rear-view mirror, Bo An watched for a long time before he realized that the person who was dragged into the car was Jie Yiyi, and Yan Yifeng had a gloomy face, looking scary and scary, Bo An didn't dare to intervene, and drove towards the palace.

Sitting in the car, Jie Yiyi clutched her chest tightly, completely despairing, once Yan Yifeng decides, no one can change it!

She... no matter how much she struggled, no matter how much she said to belittle herself, it was still the same, and could not quench his anger.

Perhaps... this is her retribution!As early as when she stole the secret, she should have thought that she would have such an end, which she deserved, and she couldn't blame anyone.

A few minutes ago, there was still a glimmer of hope in her heart, but when she saw the big characters of Palace Hotel appearing in front of her eyes, she suddenly smiled wryly.

She caused him to lose billions, and now he is going to trade her with someone else...

When they arrived at the palace, Yan Yifeng dragged her out of the car in the same brutal way and took her into the elevator.

She was already bruised, she didn't want to struggle anymore, and let Yan Yifeng drag her.

A few minutes later, he stopped under a box.

Although she kept comforting herself, she was still afraid when she got here.

She wanted to back down, but Yan Yifeng grabbed her waist fiercely, "What? Want to escape?! Serve me well and don't embarrass me, otherwise, Yu Shaofan's family will die in my hands!"

With his cold warning, Jie Yiyi's footsteps stiffened, and she raised her eyes to look at him. Is he... the one who designed the manuscript for her, Yan Yifeng?
No, he is a devil, a devil who will take people's lives at any time.

What is really terrifying is not her death, but after her death, a large group of people will die with her!
He can do anything, and the five men in the amusement park were smashed to pieces... He is not a president at all, he is a pervert, a terrifying murderer!

"Don't try to win my sympathy with tears, I, Yan Yifeng, don't do that!!" While speaking, Yan Yifeng had already opened the door and led her in.

(End of this chapter)

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