Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 203 Why Are You Sorry?

Chapter 203 Why Are You Sorry?
Fortunately, he was still worried about her, so he came back on purpose, heh! !It turned out that everything was just his own sentimentality.

"Drive!" Yan Yifeng said coldly.Bo An couldn't help but say, "But, Miss Jie..."

His questioning made him even more dissatisfied, and he punched the car window, "You don't have to come to work tomorrow!!"

Bo An was so frightened that he kept silent, and drove quickly, and when he passed the black car, he realized that the owner of the car belonged to Yu Shaofan.


in the car.

Jie Yiyi only stayed in Yu Shaofan's arms for three seconds, and then immediately withdrew.

She never forgot that he already had a fiancee.

Yu Shaofan didn't force her, put his hands on the back of the chair, held her within his range, and looked at her carefully.

At this moment, she looked a bit embarrassed, her makeup was smeared, and the scars on her face were also vaguely revealed, and her clothes were in bad shape.

Yu Shaofan was so embarrassed that he couldn't stand it, and Yu Shaofan felt a tingle in his heart, but he endured it and didn't show it.

Yan Yifeng's aura still remained on her body, and Yu Shaofan squinted at the suit covering her body.

He frowned slightly, took it off and replaced it with his own.

Then he wrapped her in his arms again, but this time, Jie Yiyi refused, "Shaofan, don't do this, you are already unmarried, this is not appropriate."

Yu Shaofan stood there stiffly, he didn't want to take advantage of her.

It's just that I want to give her a little more warmth at this time.

Yu Shaofan understood her refusal, and stroked the corner of her mouth with his stiff hand in the air.

Seeing her injury, a trace of distress flashed across his gentle eyes.

Jie Yiyi lowered her head, not daring to face him.

In fact, at this time, the last person she wanted to meet was him, but she happened to meet him, and let him see his ugly appearance.

"Shaofan, don't look..." She pushed away his hand and was about to turn her face, but Yu Shaofan straightened her face so that she met his eyes.

He said, "Is this Yan Yifeng's beating?" There was a hint of anger in his deep voice.

Jie Yiyi didn't answer, nor denied, but deliberately avoided his eyes, like a child who did something wrong.

"He took you to the palace to accompany his client?" Yu Shaofan asked.

Jie Yiyi's eyes were flushed, and he saw that her throat was choking all the time, as if she was pressing on something.

The grievances that can be said are not considered grievances, and the pain that can be cried out is not considered pain.

"Shaofan, I'm fine, you don't have to worry."

She didn't tell him about the grievance in her heart, she just said, I'm fine.

She didn't know that this would make his heart hurt even more, and he wished he could kill Yan Yifeng now.

You're all hurt like this, and you still say it's okay?Yiyi, what are you stubborn about?
In front of me, you don't need to pretend, you don't need to be strong, because no matter how fragile you are, I will never hurt you.

"Yiyi." He has always wanted to control himself, but seeing her like this, he couldn't help it, opened it again, and wrapped her in his arms, no matter how much she pushed, he didn't want to let her go .

"Yiyi, I'm sorry." She struggled, and a sentence of his "sorry" fell into her ear, and she signed it again. Those three words slowly fell into her heart, gently pulling at the old unhealed scar.

"Shaofan, why did you say sorry?"

The person who is sorry for him is her.

Yu Shaofan hugged her even tighter, sorry for including too much in this sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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