Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 204 It's Just a Superficial Relationship

Chapter 204 It's Just a Superficial Relationship
"Yiyi, why are you so stupid? You know that there will be such consequences, why did you steal the secret to me? I hurt you." He blamed himself.

She didn't know that for him, no amount of money could replace her position in his heart, and no amount of money could erase the hurt she was suffering at this moment.

What he said instead made her smile, "The injury is only temporary. As long as your company is fine, besides, Yan Yifeng let me go."

This is the only thing to be thankful for. Leaving him is like breaking free from the shackles, and she is free.

She can finally not stay by Yan Yifeng's side and be tortured by him, everything is free, but the person she loves already has a fiancée.


Jie Yiyi interrupted Yu Shaofan, "Shaofan, stop talking, just treat it as my return."

Knowing that she can't go back to the past, knowing that he has nothing to do with her, but once she sees something about hurting him, she still can't help but want to intervene.

She just didn't want to see him hurt, for no reason, that's all.

Everything he wanted to say was drowned in Yu Shaofan's mouth and throat. After a while, he said, "Yiyi, I'll take you home."

His words made Jie Yiyi push him away, "Shaofan, just send me back to Jie's house. You already have a fiancée, and I don't want to disturb your life."

Lin Xi was someone she had never been able to face in this life.

Women are the most sensitive animals, and no one would mind if their fiancé takes a woman home.

Yu Shaofan took her hand and replied flatly, "Yiyi, it's okay."

He's okay, but she is.

Although they were lovers before, they are not now. She minds a lot of things that he doesn't mind.

"Shaofan, worry about Lin Xi's feelings."

Yu Shaofan frowned slightly, "Yiyi, don't you already know the reason why Lin Xi and I got engaged? I don't love her, and she doesn't love me either. We are just a superficial relationship."

Yu Shaofan explained to her that on the day of the engagement banquet, he told her that he didn't like her.

Lin Xi got engaged to her to help Yan Yifeng defeat him, and she told him this.

"..." Jie Yiyi didn't answer.

Yu Shaofan was overjoyed, and immediately took out his phone, "Yiyi, I'll call back and ask Lin Xi to prepare some clothes for you. You really don't want to live with me. I'll take you back to Jie's house tomorrow."

That's right, when she goes home like this now, Jie Momo and her adoptive mother will definitely taunt her again when they see her, she doesn't want them to see her in a mess.

After a few seconds, she nodded, "Yes."

A satisfied smile appeared on the corner of Yu Shaofan's mouth.

In the front driver's seat, a pair of eyes were watching Jie Yiyi's every move, her lips were slightly parted, showing no emotion.

Sensing that someone was watching her, Jie Yiyi looked forward, a driver wearing a crow hat, not tall, seemed to be a woman.

But she didn't care, and just asked, "Shaofan, have you changed your driver?"

Yu Shaofan put away his mobile phone and responded lightly, "Yes. The driver before had to take leave and go home. She was only temporary."

Jie Yiyi didn't become suspicious, but nodded her head as a response.

Half an hour later, a white villa appeared before the eyes, the car stopped, Yu Shaofan opened the door, and led her out of the car.

(End of this chapter)

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