Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 213 It's just to test and test him

Chapter 213 It's just to test and test him
"Mom...don't pull me, I want to talk to Brother Shaofan." Jie Momo had a stubborn face.

Yu Shaofan is the man she has liked since she went to junior high school, so how can she just give up?

What's more, she has been dissatisfied, why can Yu Shaofan treat Jie Yiyi so well?
Jie Yiyi glanced helplessly at Jie Momo, stepped forward and said, "Shaofan already has a fiancée, and if you are willing, it doesn't mean that others think the same as you."

"Shut up." Jie Momo stared at her, Jie Yiyi ignored her, turned to Yu Shaofan and said, "Shaofan, you go first."

He nodded and turned to leave. Jie Momo was struggling to catch up, but Yu Shaofan had already left in his car.

Jie Momo exploded with anger, slapped Zhong Guifang's hand off, and said displeasedly, "Mom, why did you stop me just now? I really didn't want to be his mistress, I just wanted to test him."

Jie Momo rubbed her little hands.

Zhong Guifang patted her on the head with one hand, "What's there to tempt this kind of man? He's not a ghost. If we really get married, I don't even want him to be my son-in-law."

She didn't forget what Yu Shaofan's parents said to them back then.

City S ranks eighth on the richest list, tens of millions are reluctant to take it out, just a cheapskate.

Jie Momo raised her head arrogantly, "That's right, I don't have to have him. Now that my father's company has come back to life, I don't know how many rich and handsome people are chasing me. What kind of person is Yu Shaofan?"

After hearing her words, Zhong Guifang's complexion improved a little, "How about the one my mother introduced to you last time? It's not bad, although it looks a bit ugly, but, what's the appearance, as long as you have money."

Jie Momo glared at her, "Mom, that person eats my tofu as soon as he comes up, it's too wretched, I don't like it."

Zhong Guifang frowned when she heard what she said, "Men are not lustful, women are not loving! You should know how to cherish such a man."

Mother and son, you talk to each other, Jie Yiyi is left aside.

Jie Momo's words made her couldn't help but curl her lips into a smile. When was she rejected by Yu Shaofan, didn't she use this method to comfort herself?

She was afraid that she would laugh at her, and she was afraid that others would know that she was no match for her. When she saw Yu Shaofan leaving ruthlessly just now, her eyes were almost red.

When she was in school before, she was always ahead of her. Jie Yiyi was first and she was second. She was very unconvinced and found various reasons to cover it up, saying that she would be better than her next time.

Jie Yiyi never knew how to show off to others, it's not that she didn't dare to compare, but that she didn't have that thought at all.

It's yours, it's always yours, it's not yours, you can't force it.

Shaking her head helplessly, Jie Yiyi turned around and prepared to go upstairs.

Anyway, she was used to such days.

Ever since her father sold her to Yan Yifeng, recalling the past, she always felt that she and this family were the most incompatible and out of place.

Like the adoptive mother, father only has money in his eyes. As long as he has money, he can sell her regardless of her feelings.

As for the adoptive mother, as long as she has money, even if Jie Momo is asked to marry a pig, she will secretly cover her mouth and say that she has earned it.

In her memory, she has no memory of her mother, but she knows that her personality must be very similar to her mother, at least she knows how to take care of other people's feelings.


Just as he stepped up the stairs, Zhong Guifang's cold voice came from him.

Jie Yiyi really wanted to pretend that she didn't hear anything, but she was an elder after all, no matter how disgusted she was in her heart, she had to respect her face.

She turned around, "Auntie, what's the matter?"

Zhong Guifang narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced at her, his eyes lit up, and immediately stepped forward to grab her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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