Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 214 Her Man Has Money

Chapter 214 Her Man Has Money
Jie Momo also followed quickly, stared at her with hatred, and stretched out his hand to her, "Show me the note that Shaofan handed you just now."

How could she know Yu Shaofan's new number?

The two mother and son searched her body as if they were robbing, Jie Yiyi smiled wryly, and tightly held the note, not intending to give it to her.

Let her know Yu Shaofan's new number, she will definitely harass him day and night.

She had already disturbed Lin Xi yesterday, and she didn't want to add trouble to her.

Although Yu Shaofan doesn't love her, at least she cares about him, and she will mind.

Zhong Guifang raised her slender fingers, as if she found a rare treasure while hunting for treasure, she was both delighted and doubtful, "Where did you get this ring from?"

A woman who loves money like her knows a lot about jewelry.

Jie Yiyi hated other people touching her, so she withdrew her hand from her, and asked in confusion, "Where did it have anything to do with you?"

Zhong Guifang looked back from the ring, saw the necklace on her neck again, her eyes lit up again, and pulled the necklace, "Where did this necklace come from?"

"Girl, you have a good life. It's a necklace and a ring."

"Take off the necklace and show me, it must be very valuable!"

It was only then that Jie Yiyi realized that the reason why she called her to stop was because she wanted to play with her necklace. If possible, she really wanted to satirize her.

Why do you need so much money?Do you want to take it into the coffin?

Jie Momo leaned forward to take a look, first made a sign, then covered it up, and said disdainfully, "Mom, don't look at it, this must be a fake, how can this bitch have the money to buy these things?"

Zhong Guifang slapped her on the head, "You are stupid, she has no money, but her man has money!"

Jie Yiyi stepped back, she could only say nothing about her attitude, "Auntie, if it's okay, I'll go up first."

Zhong Guifang held her back, and glanced at her displeasedly, "Why, I just let you take it off and show me, afraid that I will take yours?"

That look clearly wanted it.

"I didn't mean that, it's just this necklace, once you put it on, you can't take it off." Jie Yiyi confessed honestly.

When taking a bath, she also tried to take it off, but she couldn't.

"Joke, how can there be a necklace that can't be taken off? Do you think it's handcuffs? Who are you fooling?" As she spoke, she pulled the necklace around her neck and fiddled with it.

Jie Yiyi frowned, feeling that her entire neck was about to be ripped off.

She had known for a long time that returning to Jie's house would lead to such a result. If she could, she would not come back even if she was killed. It's just... except here, she has nowhere to go.

"Strange, it seems that you really can't get it off, and you don't even have an excuse. How did you bring it up?" After a long time, Zhong Guifang finally opened his mouth.

"do not know."

She rolled her eyes, with a sinister look on her face, "If you can't take off the necklace, you can always take off the ring, right?"

Speaking, before Jie Yiyi agreed, she had already taken off the ring on her middle finger.

After taking off the ring, Zhong Guifang immediately exhaled on it, wiped it with her clothes, and shone it on the light for a few times, her voice was about to scream excitedly, "Wow, I really can't tell, there is something in this ring." Dozens of diamonds."

She was overjoyed, as if she had found a treasure, "It's Yan...what's his name, Mr. Yan gave it to you?"

Jie Yiyi felt a little helpless, nodded, "Yes."

As soon as she finished speaking, she immediately put the ring on her little finger and waved her hand, "You can go upstairs to rest."

(End of this chapter)

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