Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 216 Why does she want to come again?

Chapter 216 Why Did She Come Back?
"Look, this ring is small, but it's made of super-valuable platinum. Also, have you seen the diamonds in it? From my experience, it's definitely not a fake."

"Since it's so valuable, why is Jie Yiyi willing to give it to you?"

Glancing at Jie Yiyi who had disappeared down the stairs, Zhong Guifang couldn't help covering her mouth and giggling, "That girl doesn't know anything at all, okay?"

Seeing that there was no one around, she whispered in her ear secretly, "You know what? This time we made a lot of money. If this ring is pawned, it will be worth tens of millions."

After hearing her words, Jie Momo lowered her head and thought deeply.

Although she has only met Yan Yifeng once, something so beautiful can always be engraved in people's hearts at a glance.

She always thought that Yu Shaofan was the most handsome man in the world, but after seeing Yan Yifeng, her little heart couldn't help but burn.

He was so handsome that it was impossible not to look directly at him. Although he was cold and frightening at the time, he was still captivating, and she could never forget him to this day.

handsome!Money again!Which woman is not rare for a man like him?

But Jie Yiyi her...

"Then he is so rich, Jie Yiyi must have lived a very happy life, why did she come back?"

"Ghost knows, I guess he was dumped."

"Which of the current rich second generation doesn't play with women like this? Throw them away when you get tired of them. Rich people, changing women is like changing clothes. They don't want to last forever, they just want to be stimulated for a while."

Zhong Guifang spoke with a look of understanding.

Jie Momo's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he straightened his chest, "Then, do you think I can play?"

"You...?" She looked at her.

"Yeah." Jie Momo nodded like a puppy, "Jie Yiyi has been driven back, so he must be short of women now."

Only then did Zhong Guifang realize what she meant, raised her eyebrows, and clapped her legs to applaud, "Yeah, why didn't I think of this? An ordinary woman like Jie Yiyi has been with him for two months. You are so beautiful, there must be something to play with." , I'll wait, I'll call your dad and ask him to get off the phone."

Jie Momo curled her lips, and raised her head proudly, "Hmph! This time, no matter what, I will never lose to Jie Yiyi. Just wait and see, I will definitely subdue him!"

What else did the two of their parents say, Jie Yiyi was no longer in the mood to listen anymore, pushed open the door and entered, and slammed the door hard.

at this time.

In the CE office.

Yan Yifeng was reading a document in his hand, his eyes were a little empty, and finally seeing this month's performance, he couldn't look directly at it, and with a big wave of his hand, he overturned the entire table.

Oh shit!What happened?Now, his eyes can't hold any words, and everything he sees is boring, even the numbers that he is most interested in are a mess.

He reached out to take a sip of water, but found that there was nothing in the cup.

"Beng—" He slammed the cup on the ground, and he turned towards the sofa and said indifferently, "Jie Yiyi, go and make me a cup of coffee."

It's been a whole morning, and he hasn't signed a single document, with a pen in his hand, he doesn't know what he has done?
A few minutes later, without getting a response, Yan Yifeng kicked away the documents on the floor and was about to yell, "Jie Yiyi, what the hell are you doing? You don't want to..."

Seeing the empty sofa, he stopped shouting, where is Jie Yiyi?Why is it gone?she……

(End of this chapter)

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