Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 217 Can't help but miss her deeply

Chapter 217 Can't help but miss her deeply
He was about to run to find her, but in his mind, several broken images suddenly poured out from the closed box.

"Get out! A bitch like you doesn't deserve to stay by my side, Yan Yifeng! Get out! From now on, disappear in front of me!"

He couldn't help pressing his aching chest, and then he remembered the reason why he couldn't concentrate on his work all morning. It turned out that he... drove her away last night.

Damn it! !
He punched the wall fiercely. The damned woman wouldn't let him go even if she left?
Why can she come in and out of his mind?

Such a bitch is not worthy of his Yan Yifeng's nostalgia at all!

He obviously controlled himself, but there was a shadow of her in his mind, like an annoying fly, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter how hard he tried.

It was only one night, but it seemed like a long century had passed for him. From the moment he pushed her out of the car and let her roll, he realized that he could no longer escape her sight.

Every minute without her by his side, he has a strong desire to keep her in his sight, even if he does nothing but look at her, he will be satisfied.

But there is nothing.

In the office, there was not even a breath of her left.

Only those memories that made him feel painful.

Is it really so humble to love one?So humble, knowing that everything is false, but can't help but miss her deeply.

He always thought that he was invulnerable to swords and guns, and immune to all poisons, but at this moment, it seemed that a gust of wind could disturb his thoughts, and a name could pierce his heart!

He said in his heart that it had nothing to do with him, but still, he couldn't help but took out his mobile phone. He admitted that he was the winner in the battlefield and the loser in the love battle. He bowed his head!

He dialed Bo'an's phone number, "Send me someone to keep an eye on Jie Yiyi!"

"Yes, Mr. Yan." Bo An's voice echoed from over there.

He hung up the phone, smoked a cigarette, and closed his eyes. After a long time, he sat down again.

After satisfying the needs of the heart, the whole person feels at ease.

Then he suddenly remembered the scene when she got into Yu Shaofan's car, and his heart throbbed suddenly, as if someone broke his heart.

A few minutes later, the phone rang.

Yan Yifeng picked it up, and Bo An's voice came from there, "Mr. Yan, Miss Jie only stayed with Yu Shaofan for one night last night, and returned to Jie's house at noon."

Yan Yifeng's cold face improved a lot, and after a long silence, he said, "Watch her 24 hours a day, including her every move, and report everything to me!"

"Yes, Mr. Yan." Bai An responded to him.

Yan Yifeng's eyes deepened, "As for Yu Shaofan, keep an eye on me as well. Cancel any cooperation with Jie's immediately!"

Without CE's cooperation to support Jie's, Jie Zhengxin's company will also go bankrupt by then.

Even if he drives her away, he still has a way to make her come back obediently!

"Yes." Bai An responded to him.

After hanging up the phone, Yan Yifeng rubbed the center of his brows, and when he heard her go back to Jie's house, his chest was finally not so depressed.

The room she hadn't lived in for more than two months, when she entered, it was already in a mess.

Jie Yiyi spent an entire afternoon tidying up the hygiene, but she was also exhausted.

When it stopped again, it was already night.

The night view here is not as beautiful as Yan's Manor, but the air is very fresh. Smelling the light fragrance of flowers downstairs, her heart felt so warm, as if she finally felt at home.

(End of this chapter)

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