Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 218 From 1 month ago

Chapter 218 Came back a month ago
All the clothes in her previous closet were thrown away, and there were not many that she could really wear. She took out a set of home clothes and put them on, planning to go out and buy a few more tomorrow.

After taking a shower, Jie Yiyi stood in front of the mirror and looked at herself.

Except for the wound on the corner of the mouth and the forehead, everything else is fine, but this set of home clothes is a bit weird...

It seems a little thin, I want to find a coat to put on, but there are very few clothes in the closet.

Recalling the past at Yan's house, when she opened the closet, there were so many styles in it that she couldn't count...

With a bitter smile on the corner of her mouth, she almost couldn't help but think of Yan Yifeng again.

It was only by shaking his head vigorously that he was able to get rid of his shadow from his mind.

Looking at the time, it was almost time for dinner. She opened the door and was about to go out, but bumped against a strong chest.

His body has a strong smell of perfume, which is a bit smoky and not pleasant, not as natural as Yan Yifeng's body.

Uh - who is he?Her heart skipped a beat, and Jie Yiyi was about to look up at him.

At this time, the man in front of him suddenly pushed her, pressed her against the wall, and took her into his arms.

Jie Yiyi raised her head, only to realize that it was her brother - Jie Boliang.That is Zhong Guifang's son and Jie Momo's elder brother.

"Brother." After being stunned for a few seconds, Jie Yiyi came back to her senses and called him.

Didn't dad send him to study abroad?Why are you back?
Seeing his eyes on her, Jie Yiyi hastily pushed him away, trying to escape his sight, "Brother, when did you come back?"

Jie Boliang's hand was still on the door, and he didn't intend to let her go.

The corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, as if he was looking at something interesting, which made Jie Yiyi's whole body creepy.

"Brother..." Jie Yiyi frowned slightly, brother, what happened to him?
Staring at her thin clothes, his eyes deepened. After a while, he took a step back, regained his seriousness, and put his hands in his pockets.

"I came back a month ago." He dropped this sentence, then turned and walked downstairs.

Seeing him leave, Jie Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief, and did not follow his footsteps, but dared to go down when he saw his figure disappearing into the stairs.

The way he stared at his prey just now scared her a lot.

In the past at home, he often teamed up with Jie Momo to bully her, so every time she saw him, she would hide away.

Although there is no torture from Yan Yifeng, but now...staying here, I always feel uncomfortable doing anything.

What to do depends on other people's faces, except that she doesn't have to do housework, she is almost no different from a servant.

It seems that she can't stay at Jie's house all day, she has to go out to work to support herself.

Although it's a part-time job, it's better than watching other people's faces at home.

It's only been more than two months, and she's not used to everything when she comes back here, like, she's not used to not having Feng's mother nagging, not getting used to not having Yan Yifeng swearing at her...

Similarly, she is also used to a lot of things she is not used to, and she is used to the days without Yu Shaofan.

What should be used to but is not used to, what should not be used to, but is used to.

When he came downstairs, Jie Zhengxin had just returned from the company.

Jie Yiyi no longer had the feeling of joy that she would happily hug her father when she saw her, everything seemed strange.

(End of this chapter)

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