Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 229 Young Master, You Are Amazing

Chapter 229 Young Master, You Are Amazing

Her father also apologized to her for selling her to Yan Yifeng, and her mother forgave her.

In the end, she and Shaofan got married. This time, no one stopped their wedding. They were really married and lived happily together.

Although after waking up, she found that it was just a dream, but she was still very happy.

When I was young, I always heard others say that wonderful dreams are all imagined by myself, because reality and dreams are often opposite.

But think about it, my mother has already left, how could she come back?
Shaofan was already engaged, so how could he marry her?

Besides, she has come back now, and she didn't hear Dad's sorry!

Sure enough, the more people desire to get something, the easier it is to lose something.

Everything, just let it go with the flow!

Shaking her head, she walked into the bathroom and found that the wound on her face had disappeared a lot.

That's something to be really happy about.

In this way, at least in the eyes of others, she is not so embarrassed.

The clothes that were placed in the closet before, after a day of drying, finally lost the smell of the closet.

After coming out of the bathroom, Jie Yiyi put on the clothes on her body.

It may be that I washed too hard yesterday, and the color of the clothes faded.

Of course, she didn't forget to go shopping for clothes after lunch.

Pushing open the door, she was about to go downstairs, but strange sounds came from her ears.

Maybe it's because the distance is too far, so it's hard to tell whether it's a cat barking or a dog?
Jie Yiyi withdrew her steps, frowned slightly, and looked in the direction where the voice came from.

"Hmm. Eldest young master, take it easy..."

"Oh...Young Master, you are amazing, but, can you... Well, slow down, I'm still young, I won't be able to bear it."

The woman spoke delicately.

She said no, but her little waist twisted to her heart's content, seducing the man.

Jie Yiyi's footsteps just stopped here, and her voice was very low at first, she didn't know it.

However, she realized what was going on, and just about to leave, she bumped into this scene again.

Because...their door was not closed, and a maid was naked, with her legs wrapped around his waist, looking lewd and enjoying herself.

But in contrast, Jie Boliang was dressed neatly. He held the maid's waist and kept pushing her up...

brother he...

Jie Yiyi backed away and was about to leave, but at this moment, Jie Boliang's movements stopped, but a pair of cold eyes turned over.

Jie Yiyi suddenly blushed all over her face, a little at a loss, "Brother... I'm sorry, I... I don't know, I just passed by here accidentally, I... I will leave immediately."

She stammered, and as she spoke, she was about to leave.

However, just as she was about to turn around, a pair of arms stretched out quickly, grabbed her shoulders, pulled her hard, and brought her into the room, and slammed the door shut hard.

Jie Yiyi was pushed against the door, Jie Bailiang looked at her coldly, Jie Yiyi was extremely flustered, "Brother, I really didn't mean to disturb you, I... Don't worry, I won't worry about this matter." I'll tell Dad."

Since seeing Jie Boliang last night, Jie Yiyi felt that he was weird, especially his eyes.

Now that he ran into such a scene again, he would definitely beat her hard again.

If she had known they were here just now... she wouldn't have come here even if she was killed.

(End of this chapter)

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