Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 230 I'm Your Sister!

Chapter 230 I'm Your Sister!
Seeing that he didn't answer for a long time, Jie Yiyi spoke again, "Brother, I will keep this matter a secret, really, you trust me."

He put his hands on the edge of the door instead of hugging her, but restricted her freedom of movement.

Jie Yiyi pushed him, hoping that he would let her go.

The maid behind her was bumped into by Jie Yiyi, and immediately blushed, and hurriedly put on the clothes that were thrown on the ground.

If the master finds out that she has seduced the young master, she will definitely be kicked out of Jie's house.

The only thing that can be saved now is to pray that the second lady will not speak out.

"elder brother……"

Jie Yiyi assured him again, but Jie Boliang suddenly spoke and interrupted her, "Sleep with me for a night, how much?"

His words made her astonished, no matter how much she hated her, but they were brother and sister after all, how could he say such things to her?
Jie Yiyi suddenly felt that she didn't need to respect this brother, so she pushed him away fiercely, "Brother! Please be more respectful in your words! I'm your sister!"

From childhood to adulthood, no matter how much he bullied her, she endured it.

However, when he said such words just now, she suddenly felt that she hated him more.

I can't wait to rush out immediately to reveal the matter between him and the maid.

"Self-respect?" Jie Bailiang sneered, "Aren't you able to please any man just for money?"

He held her prisoner and had no intention of letting her go.

There was a strong irony in his eyes.

Jie Yiyi finally understood what happened to his look last night, it was the same look as what he said just now, it was sarcasm!disdain!

For money, can you please any man?
His words made Jie Yiyi feel a chill in her heart.

If it weren't for the day of the engagement, when her father knelt down and begged her to agree, would she have agreed to his father's selling herself to Yan Yifeng?
She was forced, not wishful thinking, and he actually made fun of her with this matter?
She gave up the person she loved the most for the sake of the whole family. Instead of pity her because of this, he committed crimes on her?
Ah!Can she continue to stay in this house?
"Whatever you want!" Jie Yiyi said coldly, slapped her hand off, and was about to open the door.

But Jie Boliang roughly grabbed her arm, "I'm wronged? Did I say something wrong? In the palace the night before yesterday, didn't you wear a gorgeous outfit to accompany the guests?"

"How much do you want, make an offer, and stay with me tonight."

This is the second time he has humiliated her again. She really wanted to bear it, but she couldn't help it. She slapped him on the face, "You are sick!"

Jie Boliang didn't realize that Jie Yiyi would hit him, and there was burning pain on his face, his eyes sank, and he immediately became angry, "How dare you hit me?"

He took a step forward to catch her, when Jie Yiyi opened the door, ready to escape, but Jie Boliang took a step forward and blocked her way.

He grabbed her hand, "Jie Yiyi, I haven't seen you in a few months, are you bold enough? Dare to hit me?"

Jie Yiyi knew that she was going to be beaten again, but if he went too far, she would not compromise.

She lifted her leg and kicked him, which just hit his vitals, he frowned and bent down, Jie Yiyi took advantage of this moment to quickly shake off his hand, pushed him away, and quickly got down stairs.

Jie Boliang looked at her running back, but did not catch up, but his eyes became much deeper.

"Eldest young master, what should we do? Second Miss rushes down in such a hurry, will she tell the master what happened just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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