chapter 236
Damn woman, what's the point of showing off?I bought so many clothes for her just now, but I have to pay for them myself!

Every time, she used this method to make him feel bad!Make him uncomfortable, damn it, she is a woman without a conscience!

It's fine if you steal his heart, but torture him like this!Damn it!
Jie Yiyi only ate half of it and found that her stomach could no longer support it.

She didn't intend to waste food, but she couldn't stand the smell of meat.

Looking distressed at the remaining noodles in the bowl, she got up, paid, and walked out of the restaurant.

For some reason, I didn't feel so uncomfortable when I ate just now, but now I have stomach cramps.

The sun was shining outside, and she was too hasty to go out, so she forgot to bring an umbrella.

Just two steps away, there were many beads of sweat on her forehead, and her uncomfortable stomach made her face pale a lot.

However, she has not forgotten her real purpose of coming out, she has not found a job yet, and she cannot go back so soon.

After sitting on the long bench by the roadside and resting for a while, she got up and continued walking.

When she was in college, her father originally agreed to send her to study abroad, but because her adoptive mother objected, she said that if she dared to send her abroad, she would sign her name in the divorce agreement.

Later, her father talked to her, and she silently gave up and stopped her studies. Originally, Shaofan said that after they got married, they would fulfill their wish for her, but these things happened before the wedding.

Without a diploma, I realized now that it is so difficult to even find a job.

After looking for two companies in a row, no one was willing to apply for her, so Jie Yiyi had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​looking for a design industry.

After walking for a long time, she realized that she was a little thirsty. She wanted to go to the convenience store to buy a bottle of water, but suddenly, an aunt passed by pushing a cart of stinky tofu.

The smoky smell made Jie Yiyi cover her mouth all of a sudden, and finally, that unbearable feeling was about to erupt from her mouth.

But Jie Yiyi didn't want to hurt the aunt's self-esteem. After all, she also sold these for survival. She trotted for a while, but couldn't stand it anymore, so she squatted down and retched.

It may be because the smell of stinky tofu is a bit strong, the smell has been lingering in front of her nose, and the eye sockets of retching turned red.

At this time, a red Ferrari stopped slowly, and seeing that the person on the other side looked familiar, she took off her sunglasses, opened the door and walked out.

She was wearing [-]cm red high-heeled shoes and a tight-fitting red dress, which tightly wrapped her pretty figure. When she walked, she looked uneven and noble.

However, Jie Yiyi didn't notice all of this, and only felt that an unpleasant smell of perfume was getting stronger and stronger.

Suddenly, a slender hand stretched out and pinched her shoulder, and the slender nails sank deeply into her flesh.

Jie Yiyi frowned, raised her eyes, and Ai Shishi's neither familiar nor unfamiliar face appeared in her sight.

It's really a narrow road to Encounter, you can touch her wherever you go!
After confirming that she is Jie Yiyi, Ai Shishi's face turned cold immediately, "It really is you?"

She still couldn't change her habit of touching others, Jie Yiyi pushed her hand away and looked at her.

If it wasn't because of her stomach discomfort, she would have counted an almost raped incident with her.

When Jie Yiyi threw her hand away, Ai Shishi's face turned darker, and she stretched out her hands to pinch her neck, but she held back when she thought of the street.

(End of this chapter)

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