Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 237 You Can't Keep This Child

Chapter 237 You Can't Keep This Child

Seeing Jie Yiyi's embarrassed appearance, she put her arms around her chest and suddenly smiled charmingly.

She lowered her head, took a step towards her, and said sarcastically, as if she had discovered the mainland news, "Tsk tsk, where did the injury on your face come from? I heard that you were not only beaten by President Yan, but also kicked out." out, right?"

Why did Ai Shishi appear here?Could it be that she was the one who followed her just now?

Seeing her bouncing big breasts and the unpleasant smell coming out of her body, Jie Yiyi felt nauseous again, she turned her face away, "Ugh—"

Ai Shishi's face darkened, she grabbed her hair, and said coldly, "Jie Yiyi, what do you mean? How dare you disgust me?"

Jie Yiyi ignored her, but continued to retch.

Ai Shishi looked at her incredulously, recalling the scene when she retched in Yan's bathroom a month ago.

"Want to conceive Mr. Yan's child, and then marry into a rich family? Jie Yiyi depends on you? Save yourself... Mr. Yan won't look at you too much after giving birth, I just remind you kindly, young man, spoil yourself body of."

"Can your imagination be richer?"

"Is not it?"

"I concealed it so well that you actually saw through it, hehe, but, each other"

Thinking of this, Ai Shishi narrowed her beautiful eyes, lifted her who was squatting on the ground, and pulled her to the Ferrari.

Jie Yiyi patted her chest with one hand, and shook off her hand with the other, with a little anger in her cold voice, "Ai Shishi, are you sick?"

Does she know her well?Pulling and pulling.

"Follow me!" Ai Shishi grabbed her hand again, Jie Yiyi didn't obey her, and stepped back, looking at her with your crazy eyes, "Ai Shishi, what do you want?"

"You can't keep this child. Go to the hospital and have it done. I will pay for the abortion for you!" Ai Shishi said coldly.

If she is allowed to give birth to this child, she will have no chance to be the wife of a wealthy family, nor will she have the chance to be Mr. Yan's woman.

She once swore that no matter what, she would never lose to a little maid.

child?Jie Yiyi frowned, and asked in confusion, "What child? Ai Shishi, should you take medicine?"

She rubbed her sore hand with displeasure on her face.

She knew that nothing good would happen when she met this woman.

Ai Shishi stared at her coldly, "Jie Yiyi, stop pretending to me! Don't tell me, you don't know about your pregnancy!"

Pregnant?These two words hit her chest like a boulder.

She is pregnant?She just had a check-up yesterday, and the doctor said it was just a stomach problem!And also prescribed a lot of stomach medicine for her!

"Ai Shishi, are you a god? How can you be so sure that I'm pregnant?"

Her symptoms are not pregnancy, ghosts believe?

"Don't bother me, get in the car, if you are pregnant, just go to the hospital for an examination! If you are really pregnant, no matter what method you use, I will make you abort!" Ai Shishi put down her harsh words.

Jie Yiyi was too lazy to deal with this kind of mentally ill woman who didn't take her medicine when she went out, but she couldn't get rid of her. Just at this time, a group of schoolgirls passed by.

Jie Yiyi rolled her eyes, and quickly shouted, "Ai Shishi star, I have liked you for a long time, please help me sign it!"

Her voice was neither too loud nor too soft, and it just attracted the attention of a group of people. When the student girl saw Ai Shishi herself, she rushed over and handed her notebooks, "Sister Shishi, please help me sign it too." , I like your movie very much."

(End of this chapter)

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