Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 243 Must go to the hospital once

Chapter 243 Must Go to the Hospital

Lying on the bed~, after a while, Jie Yiyi fell asleep.

When I woke up again, it was already dark.

She pushed open the floor-to-ceiling windows, and at this time, Yan Yifeng's car had already left.

At this time, my heart was slightly relaxed.

A week later, she will return to live by Yan Yifeng's side again.

Yan Yifeng drove her away. For her, this had always been just a dream. Sure enough, this dream was about to wake up.

To be honest, she didn't seem to hate Yan Yifeng as much as she did at the beginning. Even when he said that he would send someone to take her home, her heart couldn't help but beat a little.

I don't know whether to be happy or sad.Anyway, it's weird.

However, it seemed to satisfy the vacancy in her heart...

Patting her head, Jie Yiyi took out her clothes from the closet and went into the bathroom.

When she took off her clothes, she saw her flat belly, and for a moment, she recalled what Ai Shishi had said to her.

She is not a woman who loves to think wildly, but there are some things she has to question.

Because she had no experience of pregnancy, at first, she simply thought it was a stomach problem, but now that she thought about it, the symptoms she reacted seemed to be a little more like pregnancy.

After soaking in the bathtub for a while, she quickly put on her clothes and turned on the computer.

In the search box, enter the text: signs of pregnancy.

Many answers popped up inside, Jie Yiyi randomly opened one, which contained various explanations, one of which was:

Early pregnancy reaction: 1. Menopause; 2. Early pregnancy reaction: About half of the women have dizziness, fatigue, lethargy, salivation, loss of appetite or nausea, and morning vomiting before and after 6 weeks of menopause.

As if being poked by something, Jie Yiyi's heart suddenly became a little flustered, and she continued to search, because of the panic, her hands trembled a little.

Will taking emergency contraception delay menstruation?:

The level of estrogen contained in contraceptive pills is very high, and taking too much will lead to menstrual cycle disorders, ovarian suppression, etc., destroying normal menstruation and causing endocrine disorders.If it is taken for a long time in severe cases, it will also cause amenorrhea.

Side effects of contraceptives: Nausea, vomiting: Different drugs have different incidence rates.

Seeing this item, her heart relaxed again. Could it be that she had taken too many contraceptives, which caused this symptom?

After searching continuously for about half an hour, Jie Yiyi turned off the computer and went back to bed~.

What was said in it, some were suitable for her pregnancy, and some were not. At first, when she just had this idea, she was not so entangled, but now...she is in a mess!It's really messy.

Hands, involuntarily placed on the lower abdomen.

She imagined, what if she was really pregnant?Is it to kill the child?Or was it born?
What if the custody of the child does not belong to her after birth?
The backgrounds of her family and Yan Yifeng's family are incompatible. Will Yan Yifeng let a worthless woman give birth to him?Maybe, when he finds out, he will immediately tell her to kill her!

She shouldn't have believed Ai Shishi's nonsense at first, but now the more she thinks about it, the more something is wrong. It seems that tomorrow... she must go to the hospital.

"Bell—" The mobile phone beside the bed broke the silence of the room and interrupted her meditation.

After a few seconds, she came over to pick up the phone.

"Yiyi—" Yu Shaofan's gentle voice came from the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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