Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 244 She Will Definitely Haunt You

Chapter 244 She Will Definitely Haunt You

Jie Yiyi thought it was Yan Yifeng calling, but she didn't expect it to be Yu Shaofan.

But this voice didn't make her relax, instead, her heart was clasped even tighter!
After a few seconds of silence, Jie Yiyi said lightly, "Shaofan."

Hearing her weak voice, Yu Shaofan's heart suddenly became tense, "What's the matter Yiyi? Your voice sounds so weird?"

Jie Yiyi turned her face to the side, looked at the night scene outside the window, concealed it, and replied, "No, I just took a shower."

Only then did Yu Shaofan heave a sigh of relief, and he didn't dwell on this topic, "Yiyi, are you free tomorrow? I want to take you out for a walk!"

Jie Yiyi tightened her hands on the phone, she did not forget Yan Yifeng's warning to her.

Around her now, his eyes are everywhere, and Yan Yifeng will know every little movement of her.

She has angered Yan Yifeng many times, every time, Yu Shaofan will be implicated with her, it is better for them to keep a little distance.

Besides, tomorrow, she will go to the hospital for an examination.Although I promised him that I would call him together, but now... things have changed.

"Not Shaofan, I have something to do tomorrow, and your company is busy, so you don't need to spare time for me, I can take care of myself." Jie Yiyi politely refused.

"What's the matter?" Yu Shaofan asked, "What's the matter? Can I help you?"

"It's just a little thing. This room has been unoccupied for a long time, and it's a bit messy. I need to spend some time tidying it up."

"I'll come and help you tomorrow."

"No need, Shaofan, I can do it myself." Jie Yiyi knew that Yu Shaofan would not give up so easily, so she added, "Besides, Jie Momo is at home, and when she sees you, she will definitely pester you."

Yu Shaofan fell silent, even though he said so, he knew that she didn't want him to help.

"Well, well, if you need anything, call me."

"it is good."

"It's getting late, Yiyi, it's time for you to rest." Yu Shaofan looked at the time to remind.

In fact, Jie Yiyi had always had a question in her heart, but she thought about it for a long time, and she didn't know whether she should speak up, and after a long time, she responded with two words, "Good night."

"Good night."

For a long time, after saying this, Jie Yiyi would hang up the phone quickly, but this time the call did not hang up, Yu Shaofan asked puzzledly, "Yiyi, why didn't you hang up? Could it be that you can't sleep?"

Jie Yiyi clutched the corner of her clothes tightly. She realized that if she didn't ask this question, she would definitely not be able to sleep all night. In the end, she said, "Shaofan, I want to ask you something, can I?"

Her tone made Yu Shaofan feel bad, "What's the matter Yiyi? If you have anything to say, just say it, and I will answer it if I can!"

"The day before yesterday At your home, after the doctor checked me and I went upstairs to rest, did he say anything else?"

"Is my reaction really just a stomach bug?"

She didn't question him, but she wanted a definite answer.

Jie Yiyi's words, let Yu Shaofan take over, she...is she doubting?

Should he tell her?But, once he said it, he would lose her!There's still half a month left, and after another half month of patience, he can take her away!
After being silent for a few seconds, Yu Shaofan said, "After sending you upstairs, when I came down, Lin Xi had already sent the doctor away. He didn't say anything more. What's the matter Yiyi? Are you still not feeling well today? Why don't I take the doctor with you tomorrow?" You go to the hospital for an examination."

"No, I'm just asking casually."

(End of this chapter)

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