Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 248 Suddenly On The Operating Table

Chapter 248 Suddenly On The Operating Table

Sitting in the car, Jie Yiyi wanted to take out her phone to check the time, but at this moment, she realized that the phone was turned off.

Originally, I wanted to turn it on and leave it on, but I was afraid that Yu Shaofan would call her, so I simply waited for the inspection results before turning it on.

She is very upset now and doesn't want anyone to disturb her.

Because she didn't sleep well yesterday, Jie Yiyi felt very sleepy, so she leaned against the car window and lowered her eyes.

She didn't intend to fall asleep, but she fell asleep in a daze, and when she woke up, she had already arrived at the hospital.

After paying for the car, Jie Yiyi opened the door and got out.

After constantly reassuring herself that she would be fine, she went to the hospital to register.

There were a lot of people coming to the hospital today, and when Jie Yiyi was in line, the doctor had already left work.

She was a little annoyed, if it wasn't for the delay when Jie Boliang stopped her just now, she wouldn't have to wait so long.

It hasn't been checked yet, so Jie Yiyi didn't dare to eat when she was hungry, she just sat on the bench and waited quietly.

It was always cold in the hospital, and the unpleasant smell of disinfectant irritated her one after another, making her uncomfortable.

She covered her mouth and went into the toilet, retched a few times, and slapped her face with cold water to feel better.

When she walked out the door, a figure flashed past her eyes. The well-dressed figure made her somewhat familiar.

However, when she regained consciousness, the man had disappeared.

She was suspicious, just now, was that person... Ai Shishi?
Even though her back looks somewhat similar to her, Jie Yiyi still shook her head.

Ai Shishi is a celebrity who is so busy that she only eats one meal a day, how could she have the leisure to follow her to the hospital?

Realizing that she was thinking too much, Jie Yiyi walked around for a while, and when it was almost midnight, she returned to her original position and waited.

At noon, there were fewer people, when the doctor called her, Jie Yiyi walked in with the doctor.

Jie Yiyi handed her the completed form, the doctor glanced at her, and then said, "How long have you had the symptoms of vomiting?"

She tried hard to recall that the first time she vomited was probably the time she was in the bathroom with Ai Shishi.

"About a month ago." Jie Yiyi replied.

"Physical period delayed by fifteen days?" The doctor continued to ask.

Jie Yiyi nodded, "Yes."

"Did you take contraceptives afterward? Or did the man take any safety measures?"

Although she knew that this was the most basic question, Jie Yiyi always found it difficult to answer.

Especially when she looked at her, she was always very uncomfortable, as if she had stripped all her clothes, which was extremely embarrassing.

It's okay if she didn't ask, but when she asked, Jie Yiyi became more nervous, "I... have taken birth control pills before, but I haven't since."

The doctor pushed the glasses on the bridge, and handed her a glass bottle from behind, with half a glass of water in it, "You drink this."

Jie Yiyi frowned, do you still need to drink water before the examination?
But seeing the disgusted look in the doctor's eyes, she quickly picked it up and drank it.

The doctor watched her drink it, and stood up a few seconds later, "Please come with me, come in first for an examination and take a film."

"Oh." Jie Yiyi didn't dare to hesitate, she quickly got up and followed.

There were two beds inside, and the doctor told her to lie down.

Jie Yiyi lay down according to her instructions. When she lay down, a trace of uneasiness flashed in Jie Yiyi's heart, as if she was suddenly on the operating table.

(End of this chapter)

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