Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 249 Miss Jie Had an Abortion!

Chapter 249 Miss Jie Had an Abortion!
But maybe it was because she was too nervous.

After all, she hadn't been in a hospital since she was ten years old.

Even though her head hurts sometimes, if she doesn't insist on thinking about the past, it will get better.

Suddenly, a light descended overhead, Jie Yiyi looked at the faint yellow light, his eyes couldn't help feeling a little tired, as if he was tired.

Jie Yiyi frowned, looking at the doctor who was turning on the light, she asked in puzzlement, "Doctor, does it take a long time to take a picture? Why do you need to turn on the light?"

The doctor glanced at her, and said coldly, "Not so soon, you go to sleep first, and I will call you when you are done." She patted her on the shoulder.

It was fine if she didn't pat her on the shoulder, but once she patted her, she felt that she couldn't open her eyes even more, and even her whole body became weak.

After straining her eyelids for a while, a blurry figure flashed in front of her eyes, but she lost consciousness, and gradually lowered her eyelids, and fell asleep quietly.

In the dream, Jie Yiyi had a nightmare. She dreamed that she was lying on the operating table, and several doctors were tearing at her body with tools. She was in so much pain that she wanted to scream, but she couldn't.

She only felt that her lower body was shady, and her stomach hurt badly. She felt as if her body had been hollowed out.

For a moment, her heart beat violently, as if someone had taken something important from her life, she wanted to grab it, but couldn't.

Her heart hurt very much, and it was as if someone was hitting her chest desperately with a fist. She was in pain, and the corners of her eyes were moist.



The plane had just stopped, and Yan Yifeng was about to go down, but at this moment, the cell phone rang suddenly, it was Bo An calling.

He picked it up impatiently, "Didn't I say that you will handle the company's affairs this week, it's not a trivial matter, don't use it to remit to me..."

"Mr. Yan..." Bo An interrupted him, his tone was still as calm as ever, but he paused, "Miss Jie is in the hospital, she had an abortion!"

Retracting his step down the stairs, he asked coldly, "What?"

Bo An repeated what he said just now, "Miss Jie is in the hospital, she had an abortion!"

"Pa——" Yan Yifeng's eyes were angry, before Bo An could finish speaking, the phone was thrown to the ground, he couldn't control his emotions and punched the cabin, gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it!"

She had an abortion?

She was pregnant and didn't tell him? !

She secretly went to the hospital to have an abortion behind his back?
His heart suddenly convulsed, and he felt that what he lost was not the title of 'Dad', but his whole world!
Among the thousands of arrows, no one could stab him, but that arrow was shot by Jie Yiyi. She shot through his heart, and the pain was so painful that he wept blood.

"Mr. Yan, the people on Master Yan's side are already waiting. We only have 10 minutes left."

Seeing Yan Yifeng standing there in a daze, the driver spoke to him.

Yan Yifeng turned his head and stared at him coldly, "Go back to China!"

"Mr. Yan, what did you just say?" He thought he heard it wrong, so he asked again, and Yan Yifeng punched him in the face, "Go back to China, immediately!"

Oh shit!Don't mention the old man to him! !He is not in the mood!
"Yes!" Although he didn't understand what Yan Yifeng was up to, he didn't dare to provoke him and quickly returned to the Chinese route.

A few hours later, when Jie Yiyi opened her eyes, it was already dark.

(End of this chapter)

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