Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 250 You Can't Get Out of Bed After You Just Had an Abortion

Chapter 250 You Can't Get Out of Bed After You Just Had an Abortion

The light in the room irritated her eyes so much that she couldn't keep her eyes open, so she had no choice but to block the light with the back of her hand, and the smell of disinfectant in front of her nose made her extremely uncomfortable.

Her lips were pale, and her throat was extremely dry.

She pushed off the quilt covering her body and was about to get out of bed, but at this moment, the nurse who just opened the door stopped her, "Hey Miss, you have just had an abortion and you can't get out of bed yet! "

She held her by the shoulders, told her to sit down, and shook the quilt for her, smiling sweetly, "What do you need? I'll just take it for you."


Her words struck her head like a bolt of lightning, and she looked at her in shock, "You... what did you just say? Abortion?"

The waiter put the pillow on for her, still smiling, "Well, didn't you tell your friend that you don't want a child? So, she asked us to kill it for you."

Her words made Jie Yiyi stunned again, friend?Didn't she come to the hospital alone today?
And... she never said such a thing at all!
Didn't the doctor ask her to take a film?She didn't even know the result, so where did the abortion come from?
Jie Yiyi lifted the quilt, got out of bed again, and smiled a little, "I think you may have made a mistake. I just came for an examination. I'm not even sure if I have a baby in my stomach. Where did the abortion come from? Are you Got it wrong?"

"Where is the doctor who checked me? Where did she go?"

Jie Yiyi moved her feet and was about to come down, but at this moment, she felt a stabbing pain in her abdomen. The pain pulled her nerves, and she was so paralyzed that she couldn't move her whole body.

Jie Yiyi lowered her head, only then did she realize that her clothes had been changed, she was wearing a hospital gown, and still had an IV on her hand.

When her hand touched her stomach, Jie Yiyi felt a sharp pain in her mind, and at that moment, broken memories poured out.

She remembered that she had to wait for about two hours in the hospital before she got a number.

After the doctor asked her about some symptoms, she went in to take an X-ray examination, lying on the bed~, she was tired, and the doctor asked her to sleep for a while, and she fell asleep.

In her sleep, she woke up for a moment, feeling that someone was manipulating her body, her abdomen hurts, she wanted to shout but couldn't -

Thinking of this, her eyes enlarged involuntarily. Could it be that that was not a so-called nightmare at all, but reality?

Someone secretly took the baby out of her belly while she was sleeping?
child?There was a tingling pain in her chest, and her nose was panting. Is she really pregnant?

Seeing that she was stiff there, the nurse helped her onto the bed again, with a little blame, "I told you not to move around, but you just don't listen?"

Thinking of the loss of the child in her stomach, Jie Yiyi's eyes turned rosy.

She grabbed her hand and was very excited, "Miss Nurse, where do I have friends? I am obviously here alone, are you making a mistake? Or is someone coaxing you to do this?"

Although she was dizzy at the moment, she remembered clearly that she did come alone.

And before she came, Jie Boliang humiliated her severely.

Seeing that she was so excited, the nurse quickly pressed her shoulders, "Miss, can you stabilize your mood first? I am going to work on the first day today, and I am just your temporary caregiver. My responsibility is to take care of you. The rest is up to me. not sure."

She didn't even get the right to know the existence of the child, and the child was strangled. How could she be stable?

(End of this chapter)

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