Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 257 I want her whole family to die

Chapter 257 I want her whole family to die

Jie Yiyi was sobbing, but she didn't shed any more tears. She looked at him and asked puzzled, "When did you listen to my explanation?"

"Damn it!" Another punch hit the wall.

"I told you last night that you didn't take it to heart..."

"Shut up! Stop talking!" Yan Yifeng interrupted her coldly, thinking of what the doctor said to him last night, his heart suddenly convulsed.

In a few seconds, he lost her!She deliberately waited for him to hurt her before she came to tell him the truth and make him blame himself!Make him want to punch himself to death!
What did he do?He touched a woman who had had an abortion? !Damn it! !
But yesterday, when he heard the news of her abortion from Bo An, he couldn't control his emotions at all, he only had anger in his heart, only why?
I can't imagine that she just came for an inspection!

damn?Who is it?Dare to lay hands on his child?

Is it Ashes?
This woman, ever since he broke up with her, he never talked to her again, even though she called him every day!

The last time when Jie Yiyi was almost raped, he asked Bo An to deal with her. He thought it was because she was with him that he didn't kill her completely, but she got worse?
Thinking of this, he turned his head coldly and grabbed her shoulder, "Are you sure Ai Shishi took the child?"

Because of crying, her eyes were still red and swollen, and her voice was even hoarse. Jie Yiyi wasn't sure it was her, but she felt 100% that it was her. I got in the car and said that she would take me to the hospital to abort the child, but I refused, she told me not to dream of being a wealthy wife, she said, if I really conceive your child, no matter what method I use, I will abort it, I'm not sure if it's her, but last time at the amusement park, she was looking for someone..."

Before she finished speaking, her breathing tightened, a brutal force grabbed her into her arms, and she slammed into a hot chest

Yan Yifeng hugged her tightly, staying in his arms, she heard his heartbeat more powerful than before, and that intoxicating breath, her heart, just like that, warmed up inexplicably.

"Ai Shishi has done a lot of evil, I want to sue her!" Jie Yiyi said.

Yan Yifeng tightened her waist, and said in a firm tone, "Jie Yiyi! I will definitely give you an explanation for this matter!"

"Whoever touches our child, I want her whole family to die!!"

His tone was arrogant and undeniable!
"In the future, I won't let you get hurt in the slightest, and I won't let others touch your hair!" He swore.

He hugged her tightly, and Jie Yiyi's weak body was almost out of breath, but just such an embrace made her no longer feel cold.

Just now he was obviously very lost and sad, but because of his words, the warmth that was vacant in his heart was filled.

"En." She responded lightly, and couldn't help touching her stomach.

At this time, a life once appeared, but it is gone!
Sorry, boy, I found out too late!

If you still exist, I will cherish it.

Yan Yifeng hugged her and didn't say anything more, but his eyes were full of hatred and viciousness.

When Jie Yiyi was released, she was already asleep, Yan Yifeng did not leave, covered her with a quilt, and asked the doctor to come and re-infuse her.

After the doctor left, he went into the bathroom again, took a hot towel, and wiped the tears on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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