Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 258 I want to handle it myself!

Chapter 258 I want to handle it myself!

After the doctor left, he went into the bathroom again, took a hot towel, and wiped the tears on her face.

Her eyes were dull, she seemed to be sleeping restlessly, and her long eyelashes were trembling slightly.

Probably because she was too depressed, her breathing was very uneven and a little heavy.

Seeing her like this, Yan Yifeng softened his movements again. Seeing her frowning, he simply sat down and kissed her cheek.

Little by little, I described her appearance, her eyes, nose, lip shape...

Even though all of this had long been deeply imprinted in his heart, when he kissed her, his heart still couldn't help but tremble.

Hands, slowly caressing her stomach, her skin is still as smooth as ever, but the lower abdomen is flatter than before, and she is thin, with only a little flesh left.

Although everything has passed, when he thinks of the child, his chest is always painful.

If it wasn't for self-esteem, if he had asked her to go back with him that day, wouldn't the child just be lost?

If he questioned her when he should question her and believed her when he should believe her, wouldn't he have caused her so much harm?
If and if... She wants him to have a child for him.

He doesn't care about others, but he cares about her.

Just when Jie Yiyi was fast asleep, Bo An suddenly opened the door and came in, "Mr. Yan!"

Yan Yifeng turned his head coldly and made a shh gesture, Bo An realized that she was sleeping, nodded and left the room.

Yan Yifeng covered her with the quilt and left the ward after making sure that she didn't wake her up.

"Mr. Yan, this is..." Seeing him coming out, Bo An quickly stepped forward and handed him a mobile phone, but Yan Yifeng didn't answer it!
Bo An took back the phone and hung up resolutely, but he still couldn't help but say something, "Mr. Yan, there are still eight hours before Master Yan's birthday dinner. If you fly back to Europe now, everything is still in time!"

"Master Yan's people called and said that if he can rush back at his birthday dinner, he can ignore everything. Do you want to consider Mr. Yan..."

"What did I tell you before I left?" Yan Yifeng interrupted him coldly.

Before Bo An finished speaking, he stopped, and he replied, "Take care of Miss Jie, she will immediately report back every move she makes!"

"Since you haven't forgotten, why didn't you tell me about her coming to the hospital? Huh?"

Bo An is his most trusted assistant, when he returned to Europe, he let him stay in China in order to take good care of Jie Yiyi! !But she had a miscarriage!
"I'm sorry, Mr. Yan, it was my fault, please punish me!"

Yan Yifeng was on the plane, Bo An didn't dare to disturb him, he sent someone to watch closely, but they walked away for a while, she had already left, and when they found her again, it was the news that she had an abortion, but Bo An didn't shirk it responsibility.

Yan Yifeng held back his anger, turned his back coldly, someone deliberately targeted her, no matter how careful he was, mistakes would still happen!
He didn't mean to punish him, after all, he had been with him for so many years.

But this made Bo An even more uneasy, "Mr. Yan..."

"Give you two days, I want you to report the whole thing to me verbatim!!"

"Bring Ai Shishi, I will handle it myself!!"

Yan Yifeng gave him a chance to make amends, and Bo An replied more forcefully, "Yes!"

"All calls from Europe are turned off, and we will talk about it in a week!"

(End of this chapter)

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