Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 270 What about the ring?

Chapter 270 What about the ring?
After feeding her breakfast, Yan Yifeng wiped her mouth with a tissue, and Jie Yiyi hurriedly reached out to grab the tissue, "Yan Yifeng, I'll do it myself, you go have breakfast first."

Yan Yifeng's eyes deepened, and he grabbed her hand roughly, Jie Yiyi withdrew his hand from his and continued to wipe his mouth.

Seeing him frowning and looking at her hand, Jie Yiyi pushed him, "Yan Yifeng, hurry up and have breakfast!"

Yan Yifeng ignored her words, grabbed her hand again, and seeing her smooth fingers, he asked coldly, "Where's the ring? Where's the ring I told you not to take off?"

It was only then that Jie Yiyi realized that he had discovered that the ring on her hand was missing, looking at his angry handsome face, she withdrew her hand guiltily, "I..."

After Zhong Guifang snatched her ring that day, he never returned it to her!

Yan Yifeng took a step forward, and said coldly, "Say!"

How long have they been apart since the damn woman promised him that she would not take off the ring?How dare she take off the ring!

Jie Yiyi hid her little hand, if it was told that Zhong Guifang took it away, according to Yan Yifeng's character, she would definitely stamp her hand.

Rolling her eyes, she concealed her guilty conscience, "I... I seem to have left it at home, and I'll go back and get it when I'm discharged from the hospital."

"Like? Yan Yifeng grabbed her shoulders, his face was terribly cold, and asked again, "Is the ring thrown away or given away?" ! "

She still wants to hide it from him with her little emotions?
His words made Jie Yiyi feel even more guilty, she said timidly, "I didn't throw it away... I just kept it at home..."

The strength on the shoulders tightened, and Yan Yifeng growled coldly, "Where is it? I'll get it!"

How dare she pick it without his permission?court death! !

Although she hates Zhong Guifang, she is her aunt after all, if she loses her life because of this ring, she is the culprit!

"I put it in a small box, hidden very secretly, you can't find it."

Yan Yifeng pushed her onto the bed~, pressed her down hard, and he grabbed her chin, "I'll give you one last chance, should I throw it away or give it away?!"

"Don't give me hesitation, talk!"

With Yan Yifeng's weight on her body, Jie Yiyi frowned in pain.

At the beginning, she had told Zhong Guifang that Yan Yifeng bought it for her, but she insisted on taking it, and she could only blame her for being too greedy for the accident.

Jie Yiyi pushed him, "Yan Yifeng, I can tell you, but just take back the ring, don't kill anyone!" She said in a low voice.

"Stop fucking talking!"

Jie Yiyi knew that even if she didn't tell, Yan Yifeng would still be able to find out, and if she said it, the crime might be mitigated, "The ring... the ring is with my aunt!"

Yan Yifeng lowered his head and bit her lips, venting all the suppressed emotions in his heart on his lips, he only raised his head when he smelled the smell of blood, "Jie Yiyi, you fucking disdain the ring I designed myself, So don’t cherish it? Give it to your aunt?! Huh?!”

"No...I'll go back that day..."

"If you give it away, you will give it away, and any further explanations will be superfluous!!"

Yan Yifeng snorted coldly, got up from her, sat on the edge of the bed, clenched his fists tightly.

When she saw him two days ago, she took special care to hide her hands so that he would not find out.

Yan Yifeng said that he would take her back to Yan's house in a week's time. She originally planned to ask her to come back, but she forgot about it that night...

(End of this chapter)

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