Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 271 Be good, wait for me!

Chapter 271 Be good, wait for me to come back!

Jie Yiyi touched her stomach, but did not let go of his hand, "Can I... can I go with you?"

Whenever she thought of that child, her heart would always ache, as if a shard of glass had pierced into her heart, and if she touched it lightly, it would hurt uncomfortably.

Yan Yifeng raised his hand and stroked her hair, "Good boy, wait for me to come back!"

Losing her child was already a great blow to her, and before her emotions stabilized, he would not add to her injuries!
"Yan Yifeng..." Jie Yiyi looked at him pleadingly.

She wanted the answer more than anyone else, and she wanted to hear the ins and outs of the whole thing with her own ears.

She wants to see Yan Yifeng send Ai Shishi to prison with her own eyes, otherwise she will not be able to be at peace for the rest of her life.

Yan Yifeng originally planned to leave, but seeing her like this, he sat down again and put her in his arms, "Good boy!"

For the first time, he really felt the pain in his heart. He saw the pain in her eyes, and saw her care for the child.

The child was gone for no apparent reason, and she was also in great pain, but that day, he indiscriminately used violence against her, making her hurt even more.

Although he knew that she did not want to give the ring to Zhong Guifang voluntarily, but just now, he lost his temper at her. She was obviously innocent, but he wanted her to humbly apologize to him.

Sometimes, he really loves her, loves her helplessness, loves her fragility.

Jie Yiyi stayed in his arms, welcoming the hot breath on his body, she hugged him back, soon, she forgot the pain in her heart, and gradually lowered her eyes.

An hour later, seeing that she was fast asleep, Yan Yifeng let go of her, put her on the bed~, and let Mama Feng take care of her.

Before leaving, he asked Bai An to send more than a dozen bodyguards to guard the door of the ward, and then he left in peace.

In the car, Bo An was sitting in the driver's seat. Seeing Yan Yifeng getting into the car, he turned his head, "Mr. Yan, Miss Ai Shishi is now in the dungeon under the secret room..."

Yan Yifeng raised his wrist to look at the time, his face regained his usual indifference, he interrupted him, "Let's go to Jie's house first!"

Bo An didn't ask any more questions, but nodded, "Yes."

Along the way, Yan Yifeng stared outside without saying a word.

When he arrived at Jie's house, Yan Yifeng pushed open the car door and walked in with steady steps.

Jie Zhengxin was about to leave with his briefcase, when he bumped into Yan Yifeng at the door, his eyes lit up, and he hurriedly went up to him, "Mr. Yan, are you here? Why don't you call me when you're here, so that I can let you know?" I'll pick it up..."

In the past few days, CE's cooperation with Jie's stopped, and he couldn't get through on the phone, and he was going to find him, no, all wishes come true.

Yan Yifeng gave him a cold look, ignored his flattery, and walked into Jie's house.

Jie Zhengxin stopped his voice, and quickly entered Jie's house with Yan Yifeng. Seeing Jie Momo and Zhong Guifang sitting on the sofa putting on makeup, he quickly said in a low voice, "Don't put on makeup, Mr. Yan is here!"

Mr. Yan?Hearing these three words, Jie Momo and Zhong Guifang both raised their heads at the same time. At this moment, Yan Yifeng's indifferent face appeared in front of them. His aura was shockingly cool.

Jie Momo was the first to react, put down the eyeliner and was about to get up, Yan Yifeng was already a step ahead of her, reached out to take the cosmetic box in Zhong Guifang's hand, and threw it on the ground, he growled coldly, "Where's the ring?!"

(End of this chapter)

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