Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 274 Never Touched Her Child

Chapter 274 Never Touched Her Child
"President Yan..." Ai Shishi still didn't give up, she squeezed her breasts, trying to trick him into letting her go.

Yan Yifeng put down the order coldly, "Don't touch me!"

This kind of woman would make him feel very dirty if he took one more look at it!
He didn't feel it before, but when he thought of what she said to Jie Yiyi, he was extremely disgusted.

Ai Shishi was frightened into silence by his indifference, she stood there, not daring to move, looking at him aggrievedly with her mouth pouted.

Yan Yifeng turned over a document in his hand, which contained all the records of Ai Shishi sending people to follow Jie Yiyi.

His face turned from gloomy to angry. It turns out that Ai Shishi has been doing these actions since he broke off her relationship with her! !
Not only that, she also sent someone to follow him!Damn woman, who lent her courage? !
"Mr. Yan, you locked me here, after all..."

Just when she was halfway through speaking, the document in Yan Yifeng's hand slammed on her face coldly, "Ai Shishi, I will give you a chance to choose, should you recruit it yourself, or wait until I serve you with a whip?"

His voice was not loud, but it overcame the coldness of this dungeon. Ai Shishi only felt a biting chill coming from her body, making her tremble.

She frowned, and stepped forward cautiously, "Mr. Yan...if you say it, I..."

"Pa—" Yan Yifeng slammed the whip coldly on her body, his eyes darkened a bit, "It seems that you choose the whip to serve!"

Ai Shishi's usual delicate body, how could she bear such a blow? She fell to the ground and screamed in pain, "Mr. Yan, I really don't understand what you are talking about?"

Her words made Yan Yifeng even more angry, he whipped his whip and slapped her face, "Ai Shishi, are you playing tricks on me? Huh?!"

There was a burst of blood on her face, and Ai Shishi covered her face in pain. She had a star face, and he dared to whip her. She was so heartbroken that tears kept falling, "Mr. Yan, did you hit me?"

beat!Not only did he want to hit her, but he also wanted to kill her!
Yan Yifeng didn't have the mood to talk nonsense with her at all, he kicked her on the body, and seeing her fall, he leaned over and pulled her hair, and said sinisterly, "Is the child in Jie Yiyi's stomach you let someone do it?" of?"

"President Yan, it hurts so much..." Ai Shishi was in pain, and hurriedly grabbed Yan Yifeng's hand, hoping that he could let her go.

Yan Yifeng didn't care whether she was in pain or not, chewing on the roots of his teeth, he said impatiently again, "Say!"

"Child?" Ai Shishi looked at Yan Yifeng, rolled her eyes, and asked puzzledly, "What child? You mean Jie Yiyi, she is pregnant?"

Ai Shishi asked in surprise, so she is really pregnant?

"Oh!" Her answer made Yan Yifeng unable to control his emotions at all, and he punched her in the face, "Ai Shishi, keep on fucking pretending! I can't guarantee that I will jump you with one shot! "

He got the confession from Jie Yiyi, Yan Yifeng didn't hit women in the first place, but she touched his woman and touched their children, he really couldn't swallow this!
Ai Shishi's mouth was bleeding from Yan Yifeng's punch. She got up from the ground and looked at him pitifully, "Mr. Yan, have you misunderstood me? I have never touched the child in Jie Yiyi's stomach! "

On the street that day, I met Jie Yiyi who was retching so badly. She just said those words to scare her casually. Unexpectedly, the child is really gone?
(End of this chapter)

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