Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 275 Do You Dare To Kill My Child?

Chapter 275 Do You Dare To Kill My Child?
"Misunderstanding?" Yan Yifeng's eyes flickered murderously, "Don't you fucking act in front of me!! Do you dare to say that you don't know about Jie Yiyi's pregnancy? Do you dare to say that you didn't ask the doctor to kill that child? Hmm ?!"

Yan Yifeng pulled up her hair and made her look into his eyes. Ai Shishi rolled her eyes, feeling very guilty, "I...I admit it!"

Ah!very good! !The flash of anger in Yan Yifeng's eyes grew stronger, he grabbed her head roughly, and slammed it against the wall, "You don't fucking know that she is pregnant with my child? How dare you lay a poisonous hand on my child? Hmm ?!"

When she was looking for someone to rape her ~ Violent Jie Yiyi, he had already given her a chance to reform herself. Fortunately, she was not only not glad that she was still alive in this world, but also dared to think about his child?
This kind of vicious woman, a hundred times of death is not enough to wash away the hatred in his heart!
The brain was hit by Yan Yifeng like this, Ai Shishi was dizzy and speechless, she tried her best to back up, "Mr. Yan... I admit, I admit that I have had this kind of thought, but the child is really not me Take it, listen to my explanation!"

Ai Shishi knew that if she didn't defend herself, her brain would definitely be useless.

Not only did Yan Yifeng ignore it, but he clashed even more fiercely, "Explain?! You are a fucking actor, do you think I will believe your words? Huh?! Explain to hell!"

But he won't let her die so quickly, he wants to keep her and torture her slowly! !
He wants to take back a hundred times the pain from her!He will pay back all the harm she has done to Jie Yiyi with interest!
"Mr. Yan, listen to my explanation. I really didn't... I followed her to the hospital that day. Before I could say a word to the doctor, Jie Yiyi was pushed into the operating room. Later..."

Her words made Yan Yifeng stop suddenly, his pupils shrank suddenly, he grabbed her, and asked coldly, "What did you say?"

Seeing him let go of her, Ai Shishi hurriedly knelt on the ground, "Mr. Yan, I dare not lie to you. Although I am jealous that Jie Yiyi is favored, I dare not touch your child. Mr. Yan, you believe me !"

Her face was covered with blood, and she looked at Yan Yifeng explaining in embarrassment.

Yan Yifeng's eyes deepened, even though Ai Shishi is an actress, he could tell that she was not lying at this moment, "Get to the point!"

Ai Shishi wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, her voice choked up, "I met Jie Yiyi on the street at noon that day, I saw her vomit so badly, so I casually said a few words to scare her, telling her not to think about being a wealthy wife. "

"Later, I was stalked by a group of school girls, so I called and sent someone to follow her. The next morning, I received the news that she was going to the hospital for an examination. At that time, I rushed to the hospital immediately."

"When I came to the hospital, it was past twelve o'clock. I looked around for Jie Yiyi, but I couldn't find her. I thought she left here to eat, and ran to the cafeteria below, but I still didn't see her."

"When I came back, several nurses pushed Jie Yiyi into the operating room. I just wanted to go up to find out what was going on, but my assistant had already called and told me to go back to the set quickly, because in the afternoon We're going to fly to Thailand to take the night view... After that, I really don't know what happened."

Ai Shishi said aggrievedly, seeing Yan Yifeng's questioning face, she quickly took out her mobile phone, "If you don't believe me, look at the call records in my mobile phone and the recordings given by my assistant."

(End of this chapter)

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