Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 292 Said the child is mine!

Chapter 292 Said the child is mine!

Yu Shaofan shook off her hand fiercely, "Didn't I plan everything about the child? When I get to France, I will hide it from Yiyi and say that the child is mine!! Why didn't you carry out the original plan? If you hurt Yiyi It's like hurting me, you understand?"

He also hopes that the child in Yiyi's womb is his, but the child is already pregnant, even if he minds, as long as Yiyi is happy, it doesn't matter who the child belongs to!
Seeing that Yu Shaofan was so excited, Sister Lan shook her head and sighed, "Shaofan, I admit that I didn't take Yiyi's feelings into consideration. I was wrong, but it has already happened, and no matter how much I say, I can't save the child. Let's end here!"

"I don't think about anything now. All I want is that our family can be reunited. At that time, I will be supported by you, my son-in-law!"

"Sister Lan... If Yiyi knows the truth about this matter, she will hate us!"

There was a strange flash in Sister Lan's eyes, she rolled her eyes, "Okay, okay, don't talk anymore, I will explain to Yiyi myself, I have to go to work, and I won't entertain you."

Yu Shaofan looked at her, frowned tightly, and remained silent for a few seconds before speaking, "Go and do your work first!"

Sister Lan stepped on her high heels and left. Yu Shaofan put his hands in his hair, and his slender nails sank deep into his flesh. He blamed himself very much.

At the beginning, when he told Sister Lan that Yiyi was pregnant, he did not expect that Sister Lan would take away Yiyi's child.

He just didn't want her to return to Yan Yifeng's side to be tortured, but he didn't expect that it would lead to today's ending.

Yiyi, I'm sorry.


In the hospital, Jie Yiyi was lying on the bed~ and didn't fall asleep. When she heard heavy footsteps, she got up.

Just sitting up, Yan Yifeng's handsome face appeared in her sight. Seeing that she was awake, he walked towards her and looked down at her, "Are you awake?"

Jie Yiyi moved a little space for him, let him sit down, and was about to reach for her bag, Yan Yifeng stared at her tenderly, and grabbed her catkin.

"What's wrong?" Jie Yiyi put down her bag and watched him speak.

Yan Yifeng reached out and took out a box from his pocket. Seeing her looking at it curiously, he opened it, and there were two noble watches lying inside.

Just after waking up, Jie Yiyi couldn't open her eyes because of the light reflected from the two watches. Yan Yifeng took out one and put it on her hand, and said, "Like it?"

The watch in her hand is exactly the same as the one that Yan Yifeng took to change the fish feed in the morning, except that hers is a reduced version, which looks very delicate on her fair hand.

Jie Yiyi looked up at him, she just wanted to get the watch from her bag and return it to him, but unexpectedly, he...

What he said to her in the morning came to mind: It’s just a broken watch, if you like it, I’ll buy you a whole bunch, as long as you’re happy!
He thought she liked that watch, so he ordered a couple's watch when he went out in the afternoon?

"Like?" Seeing that she didn't answer, he asked again.

Jie Yiyi came back to her senses, decisively dismissed the idea of ​​returning the watch to him, looked at him, she nodded, "Yes, I like it."

He took out another piece from the box and handed it to her, "Put it on for me!"

Jie Yiyi took it, a warm current surged in her heart, she looked away from his gentle eyes, and carefully put it on for him.

Seeing that the two of them had an identical watch, Yan Yifeng smiled with satisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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