Chapter 293
"Jie Yiyi! Hold me tight!"

Jie Yiyi put her hand on his waist, she couldn't help sticking her head out, "Yan Yifeng, what you said is reconciliation..."

"Whispering!" Yan Yifeng's face darkened, and his cold voice landed on her head.

Jie Yiyi tried hard to think back, what happened during this period, the reconciliation he talked about... Could it be a matter of stealing secrets?

Is it because she is willing to go back to Yan's house with him, so he can forget about the past?Even... let Shaofan go?
Thinking of this, her lips curled up involuntarily. All along, in her heart, such a result is the most beautiful.

"Yan Yifeng, thank you." Jie Yiyi hugged his waist tightly and put her face close, so that she could hear his powerful heartbeat more clearly.

Yan Yifeng looked down at her, his eyes were a little dark, damn woman, what are you thanking?She had no idea what he was talking about!
However, he didn't open his mouth to scold her, but hugged her even tighter.

That night, the two embraced and slept together.

The reason why I can sleep so peacefully is because I can stay in his arms.

When he treats her well, she can forget the hurt she has suffered, and can't help but sink into his world...

And when she is obedient, he can put aside all hatred, love her uncontrollably, and even love her addictively...

Sometimes happiness comes and goes suddenly.

The night passed.

When Jie Yiyi woke up from Yan Yifeng's arms, Feng Ma had already packed their luggage for them.

The two got bored in the bathroom for a while, Yan Yifeng carried her back to the bed~, and ordered, "Stay here obediently, I'll go through the discharge procedures."

"Yes." Jie Yiyi watched him leave.

Sitting on the bed~ for a while, she took out a mirror from her bag, and has been infusing nutrient solution for the past few days. Although her complexion has improved a lot, she still doesn't have much color.

Her lips were a little chapped, so she took out the lip gloss and wiped it on to keep it moist, then took out the blush, and put on a light makeup.

Jie Yiyi's skin is clean and fair, and with the blush as a backdrop, she looks quite energetic.

She looked at herself in the mirror, smiled slightly, and got out of bed.

In about half an hour, Yan Yifeng finished the discharge procedures and came back.

Looking at the time, it was already 11:30, after Yan Yifeng ordered them to send their luggage back, he took Jie Yiyi to a restaurant outside for dinner.

When the car stopped in front of the restaurant, Jie Yiyi opened the door and was about to get out of the car, but Yan Yifeng insisted on hugging her in. There were so many people in the restaurant, she smiled awkwardly, her mouth was stiff.

What the doctor told Yan Yifeng, he kept it in his heart. When ordering lunch, Yan Yifeng ordered all light dishes.

Jie Yiyi asked him why he only ordered green vegetables and white porridge, and he replied, you care about me?Later Jie Yiyi ordered a plate of meat for him.

After the food came, Yan Yifeng only knew to pick up the food for her, but forgot to eat it himself. Jie Yiyi picked up a piece of meat for him, and he smiled handsomely!

After coming out of the restaurant, Jie Yiyi said that she would go out for a stroll, but Yan Yifeng was worried that she would be too tired, so he carried her back to the car, kissed her, "Hey, I'll take you out when you feel better!"

Jie Yiyi was a little dissatisfied, but there was no coquettish clamor to go, Yan Yifeng hugged her in his arms, and ordered Bo An to start the car.

His breath made people intoxicated, Jie Yiyi couldn't help closing her eyes, after a while, she raised her head subconsciously and asked, "Now... are you going back to Yan's house?"

Yan Yifeng played with her hair, his voice was low and magnetic, "What do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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