Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 294 Can I visit Jie's house?

Chapter 294 Can I Go Back To Jie's House?
However, the manuscript that Yan Yifeng drew for her is still at Jie's house. At first, he just wanted to have an examination in the hospital, but he didn't expect that he would be hospitalized, so he didn't carry the manuscript with him.

She lowered her head and pondered for a while, then raised her head again, "Can I...can I go back to Jie's house?"

She consulted, Yan Yifeng's eyes sank, he stared at her red lips and said, "I will call your father to tell you about your discharge from the hospital..."

Jie Yiyi shook her head, "No, I want to go back to Jie's house to get things."

She had only been away for more than two months, and the room was in a mess. The manuscript was not brought back, and she always felt uneasy in her heart.

After all, it was drawn by Yan Yifeng himself. If Jie Momo threw it away or gave it to a servant, how sorry would he be?

"What? I'll send someone over there to get it!"

Jie Yiyi smiled at him, "It's nothing, it's just a book, I'd better go back and get it myself, the place I put it is relatively secret, I'm afraid they won't find it."

a book?Yan Yifeng frowned, what book could make her so nervous?

Although he doubted it in his heart, he didn't intend to stop him, and asked Bo An to turn around.

In fact, after hiding from Yan Yifeng for so long, Jie Yiyi planned to secretly put the manuscript in his cabinet after returning to Yan's house...

Then he kept a photocopied manuscript, so that Yan Yifeng didn't have to search so hard.

She secretly smiled in her heart, it was a long journey from the hospital to Jie's house, Jie Yiyi felt a little tired, so she simply leaned on Yan Yifeng's shoulder.

Maybe, she is really relying on Yan Yifeng more and more. No matter where she goes, she hopes to have him, because only by staying with him can she feel at ease.

Seeing her eyes closed, Yan Yifeng lowered his head and kissed her lips lightly. After about an hour, the car stopped at Jie's house.

Bo An opened the car door for Jie Yiyi, Yan Yifeng got out of the car, Jie Yiyi turned around and waved at him, "You wait here for me, I'll be down soon, I don't want Dad to know you're here."

When Dad sees Yan Yifeng, just like a puppy seeing its owner, it will immediately wag its tail and come over. She doesn't want to see that scene, it will hurt her heart.

Yan Yifeng knew what she was thinking, and leaned handsomely against the car door, "Well, let's go!"

Jie Yiyi smiled sweetly, and walked into Jie's house with small steps.

Looking at the back figure, Yan Yifeng's mouth curled into a satisfied smile.

Sometimes, as long as I can look at her, even if I don't touch her, I can get infinite satisfaction in my heart.

Jie's house is a bit weird today, there is no one in the hall, usually at this meeting, Zhong Guifang and Jie Momo will definitely sit here and have some fruit after dinner.

However, what does it matter to her whether she has water or not?Shaking her head, Jie Yiyi opened the door and entered the room, took out the book about self-cultivation from the bookshelf, opened the pages, and made sure the manuscript was inside before leaving the room.

Just as she was about to go down the stairs, she accidentally caught a glimpse of Jie Zhengxin's room out of the corner of her eye. She wondered whether she should go and say hello to her father.

In fact, to be honest, she didn't really want to see her father, because she hated hearing his hypocritical words, but after all, he was a father, so she just left without saying a word, and she seemed to be unable to do it...

After pondering for a few seconds, she still walked lightly and walked over there. Dad's room was diagonally opposite to her. For fear of disturbing Jie Momo, she lightened her pace and walked cautiously.

(End of this chapter)

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