Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 295 Life Experience 1

Chapter 295 Life Experience 1
"Don't go there!" Just when Jie Yiyi's footsteps were about to stop at the door of Jie Zhengxin's room, her arm was suddenly grabbed by someone, causing stiff pain. Jie Yiyi frowned and shook off his hand.

Jie Boliang covered her mouth, dragged her away, and prevented Jie Yi from approaching Jie Zhengxin's room, but it was too late, and the voice in the room had already reached Jie Yiyi's ears.

It was a familiar female voice. Although she couldn't see their expressions, she could hear the anger in Zhong Guifang's tone at this moment, "What are you talking about? You want to abandon me and Momo and hide abroad?"

"Fangfang, you believe me, I just went abroad to hide for a while, to avoid the limelight, and I will come back as soon as the matter subsides, the casino's debts are too tight recently, if I don't leave, Brother Long will find someone to hack to death mine."

Jie Zhengxin begged humbly.

But what he said, not only did not calm her down, but instead aroused her even greater anger, "Jie Zhengxin, how many times have I warned you? Don't gamble like others, you can't afford to lose this little property! It's all right now." , CE's cooperation has stopped, and you owe a big debt again, I don't care if you are Brother Long or Brother Hu, anyway, if you don't settle this matter for me today, I will divorce you!"

"Fangfang, don't be like this. We've been married for so many years, can you stop talking about divorce? Besides... I have no choice but to!"

"Husband and wife for many years? Jie Zhengxin, I fell in love with you because I was blind. When those creditors chased you home in the morning, when your wife was put on the neck with a knife, where did you go? Don't hide if you have the ability. You look like a dog, you have the ability to stand up like a man and blow them away?"

"I let Miss Qianjin not do it, just live a hard life with you, but you are good enough to cause trouble for me every day? Either I owe debts or the company goes bankrupt. This time, I will never soften my heart again. Whether it is borrowing or robbing, In short, if you don’t deal with those people and let me live a good life, we will divorce tomorrow!”

"Borrow? It's too late for relatives and friends to hide when they see me. Where can I borrow it?"

Zhong Guifang folded her hands in front of her chest and turned her face, "Isn't there a ready-made one at home? Jie Yiyi is such a rich man, you let her beg him, as long as he makes him happy, how much money you want is not a problem."

"This won't work...I brought up Yiyi after all, and I still have a little relationship with her. If I keep using her like this, I will feel guilty!"

Jie Zhengxin's conversation with Zhong Guifang made Jie Yiyi's chest feel cold. Dad owed a debt from gambling, and wanted to shirk his responsibility and escape to a foreign country?
And Zhong Guifang always thinks about Yan Yifeng's wealth, but has she ever thought about her feelings?In order to save the company, she has already been sold out once...

Jie Boliang dragged her to leave, but Jie Yiyi struggled and resisted, finally Jie Boliang lowered his eyes and let go of her.

She took two small steps forward, because the door was only half closed, she turned sideways, hid by the door, and continued to listen.

Seeing that Zhong Guifang didn't answer, Jie Zhengxin started again, "Besides, Mr. Yan seems to have known early on that Yiyi is not my own. I guess Mr. Yan gave the money for Yiyi's car accident back then."

"So what if he gave you the money? Back then, Jie Yiyi almost lost his mind, and you spent tens of millions to find a doctor when you went abroad!" Zhong Guifang roared.

(End of this chapter)

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