Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 296 Life Experience 2

Chapter 296 Life Experience 2
"Yiyi and I are not related, so of course I don't want to save her, but the mysterious man said that as long as I can save Yiyi, he will give me a fortune."

"Of course, that wealth is not just [-] million. He gave the entire Jie family. But at the beginning, you yelled all day long, saying that I was worthless and filed for divorce. Once, Master, I lied to you that the company was established through investment..."

Ten years ago, his cousin was working as a driver at Yiyi's house. Just the day before the car accident, his cousin was about to give birth, and his cousin asked him to take over for a few days.

Yiyi's mother had just returned from a trip abroad. After learning that her husband was cheating, she lost control of her emotions and drove on the main road. As a result, she had a car accident. When he arrived at the scene, he received such a call.

Hearing this, Jie Yiyi's nose was so sore, and her heart was in severe pain, as if a huge boulder had slammed down on her head, making her powerless. She resisted the heart that wanted to rush in, tightly He covered his mouth to prevent himself from making any sound.

It turned out that she was not his biological child. The car accident that year was because someone gave him a sum of money, so he tried his best to save her...

She always thought... that her father didn't want to lose her...

"Pa—" Zhong Guifang slapped Jie Zhengxin across the face.

The voice roared even louder, "Bastard! So you were so worthless ten years ago? I thought you had real skills? Divorce! Divorce me if you're afraid that your conscience won't go away!!"

"Why don't you tell me that Jie Yiyi has been living in our house for more than ten years?"

"It's not my own daughter, but it's great to be a baby? Send her to college, send her to study abroad? What's good, you think of it first, have you thought about Momo?"

"Didn't I feel sorry for Yiyi? Her mother passed away, and her father was imprisoned again. Every time I went to visit Lao Jiang, I always felt like my conscience was eaten by a dog. He always thought that I sympathized with Yiyi." The one who adopted her would kneel down and kowtow to me every time..."

"Yiyi finally found someone to rely on. Because of the company, I broke them up again. Although she stays with Mr. Yan now, she doesn't have to worry about food and clothing, and he is in pain, but I know that everything Mr. Yan has done has been Just to get revenge on Yiyi..."

"How do you know that her man is going to take revenge on her?" Zhong Guifang asked suspiciously.

Jie Zhengxin sighed, "I only found out by accidentally flipping through old newspapers a few days ago. At that time, there was a boy standing next to the body of the woman who fell from the building. Because he looked similar, I went to confess to him. Brother inquired about the whole process back then..."

"That's when I found out that Yiyi's father raped a beautiful servant in his family, because his son witnessed the scene of her being raped with his own eyes, but she couldn't think about it, so she committed suicide by jumping off the building... and that boy was Yan Yan. gentlemen."

"At that time, Yiyi was only ten years old and didn't understand anything, and Mr. Yan was already 17 years old. His mother was humiliated and jumped to her death. He hated him. According to Mr. Yan's personality, he will not stop there!"

"So after Yiyi got into a car accident, he spent a lot of money to save her, in order to take revenge and torture her when Yiyi grows up...

"Ke Yiyi is too naive. She doesn't know anything. She thinks that Mr. Yan treats her like this because he fell in love with her. Alas, to be honest, I'm really worried about Yiyi, her future fate..."

(End of this chapter)

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