Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 297 Enough of Your Hypocrisy

Chapter 297 Enough of Your Hypocrisy

Jie Yiyi wanted to hold on until the end of their conversation, but when she got here, she found that she didn't have enough endurance to listen anymore...

It turned out that everything was just a conspiracy. The kindness her father treated her and the kindness Yan Yifeng treated her all stemmed from a conspiracy...

No wonder her father was the only one who treated her well in Jie's family. No wonder her father sold her instead of Jie Momo when his company went bankrupt. It turns out that she has no blood relationship with this Jie family...

But...she has called him Dad for more than ten years, and she regards him as the closest family member in the world, and everything he...does is just for money...for money...

Only now did she discover that the bad guy is not scary, what is scary is that the bad guy pretends to be a good guy...

She was in so much pain, even worse than when she lost Shaofan and when Yan Yifeng dragged her to accompany the guest.

His every word, every sentence, was like a sharp knife, piercing into her heart...

The pain made her unable to breathe... The pain made her want to escape, the pain made her want to pierce her eardrum, she didn't want to hear any more words about her...

"Being able to be targeted by Mr. Yan for revenge is also that bitch. It's a blessing that I cultivated in eight lifetimes. What's so worth it..."

"Bump—" Zhong Guifang wanted to say something else, but at this moment, the door was pushed open, and Jie Yiyi stood at the door, looking at them with red eyes.

Her appearance surprised Jie Zhengxin, isn't she in the hospital?Why did it suddenly appear here?

Zhong Guifang's words were also stuck in her throat, she looked at her and Jie Boliang behind her.

After a few seconds, Jie Zhengxin was the first to break the silence in the room. He took a step forward and explained, "Yiyi... Dad and your aunt are joking, don't..."

"Enough!" Jie Yiyi interrupted him coldly, she heard what he said clearly, she is not a fool, she can tell the truth from the false, no one would make fun of his life experience.

From the moment she was sold, she had doubted whether she was his own.

In this world, for parents, children are priceless. No matter how much money they have, they will buy that love. Only those that do not belong to them will be discarded at will.

"Yiyi, listen to Dad's explanation. In fact, things are not as you imagined. Listen to Dad's explanation..." Jie Zhengxin stepped forward to hold her hand.

dad?Jie Yiyi resisted his lies, covered her ears, and roared uncontrollably, "Liars! You are all liars! The most disgusting liars in the world!"

"I've had enough! I've had enough of you miser, I've had enough of your hypocrisy, Jie Zhengxin, I'm so disappointed in you..."

"Yiyi, listen to Dad's explanation..."

Seeing Jie Yiyi slamming the door and coming out, Jie Zhengxin hastily chased after her.

It's too fake, all of this... She doesn't want to stay in this house for a moment, because if she stays for a second longer, she will feel extremely disgusted! !

No matter how Jie Zhengxin chases and shouts behind him, Jie Yiyi doesn't want to pay any attention to him anymore, she just wants to escape, she just wants to get out of here!

Not long after the abortion, her body was still weak, and coupled with the stimulation of her life experience, she was extremely weak.

When going down the stairs, her foot slipped and she fell down, but she ignored the pain and quickly got up and rushed out of Jie Zhai.

Yan Yifeng was still leaning on the car door. Seeing Jie Yiyi coming out, he stepped forward and said displeasedly, "Jie Yiyi, are you looking for death? It's fine if you go up for so long, and you still don't answer the phone?!"

(End of this chapter)

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