Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 302 Reduced to a Revenge Doll

Chapter 302 Reduced to a Revenge Doll
Jie Yiyi was sitting in the taxi, staring blankly ahead, the conversation between Jie Zhengxin and Zhong Guifang was playing repeatedly in her mind...

It was as if her head had been smashed, memories piled up one after another, and many blurry images flickered, making her confused...

She originally thought that Yan Yifeng would catch up and force her to go back to Yan's house, but after keeping her eyes on the car behind her, she realized that she was acting affectionate again.

She is just his revenge doll, why should she have such an idea?

His goal of revenge has been achieved, will he still care about her life?He wished she could get out of his sight sooner...

She was extremely disappointed in him, and she hated him to the bone... But now that he doesn't appear, her heart will ache, until it hurts to the point of suffocation...

She really has nothing now, Shaofan is gone, her child is gone, her home is gone, she has nowhere to go...

In the past, she was always glad that she was still alive in this world. Although she lost her mother, she still had a father who loved her very much. She was very proud.

But now, when the truth is revealed, she really hopes that if she accompanied her mother to leave back then, how good would it be?
At least I don't have to bear the pain now...

In this life, no matter how others bully her, she just can't tolerate deception...

Why did she hate herself for being so naive?If she had been more scheming, if she had started questioning her identity early in the morning, then...wouldn't she have ended up where she is today?

Why?What did she do wrong in her previous life?God wants to treat her like this?

Let her suffer so much pain alone?
Why...he wants to rape other women?
Why, take her as a target for revenge?
Why, not stab her to death?Why be nice to her?
How good would it be if Yan Yifeng treated her in a brutal way like in the beginning, making her hate him?

Maybe, while hating him, her heart won't hurt as much as it does now...

Everything was fine yesterday. Yesterday, he took a watch worth tens of millions to exchange for worthless fish feed. Yesterday, they slept in each other's arms...

But now... everything is a thing of the past.

After she was moved by everything he had done, she realized that it turned out that everything was false, and everything was just a cruel conspiracy!

Yan Yifeng.

A name that could make her heart ache.

Looking at the couples outside the window, recalling the little things she had with Yan Yifeng, she couldn't help but shed tears after all.

She needs to vent, if yes, she really wants to cry unscrupulously.

But she didn't, she warned herself, don't shed unnecessary tears for unnecessary people, it's not worth it!

She will never go back to Yan's house with Yan Yifeng... If he forces her again, she will choose to leave this world...

Looking at the shiny ring on her hand, she shed more tears...

After an unknown amount of time, the driver stopped the car suddenly, and he turned his head to look at Jie Yiyi, "Miss, the Public Security Bureau of City S is here."

Only then did Jie Yiyi wipe away her tears, took out the car money from her wallet, and handed it to him.

Looking at the large characters of the S City Public Security Bureau, her eyes became even more dry, and she didn't know why she came here.

That person was obviously the last thing she wanted to face, but she still came.

When she met her for the first time, she felt that she and him had known each other. If she had insisted on asking, would Yan Yifeng have told her the truth?

(End of this chapter)

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