Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 303 Visiting Father 1

Chapter 303 Visiting Father 1
Under such circumstances, she should have been happy to find that she still had a father.

At least, she won't be ashamed of having a father like Jie Zhengxin.

But now, she is not happy at all, even depressed...

If it wasn't for the mistakes he made back then, she wouldn't be in such a mess today.

Mom wouldn't die in a car accident because of losing control of her emotions...

All because of him...

She should hate him, but... She found that she couldn't hate him at all, she didn't have the courage to hate...

If she buried a hatred in her heart, her heart would also be hurt.

He sat in the cell for ten years, and he also got the punishment he deserved.

Maybe it was because she and Yan Yifeng came last time, so when she went in, she was not hindered much.

The guard guarding the door only went out and made a phone call before agreeing to her request.

Jie Yiyi's memory has always been very bad, but she remembers the location and door number of this cell clearly.

She stood at the door of cell No. 023 and looked inside through the window. A man was half lying on the bed, holding a notebook in his hand, writing something...

Maybe it was because of the dim light in the cell, but from her angle, it looked like he had gray hair and an old, withered face.

It seemed that he was much more haggard than last time, and his body was even thinner than before.

Seeing this scene, Jie Yiyi couldn't help but retreat a few steps timidly. She avoided his sight, leaned against the white wall, kept breathing, tried to push herself up, trying to calm down...

Even though she had no contact with him or any feelings, he was her biological father after all.

Seeing his father locked up in prison, it was all a lie to say that he was not uncomfortable, just deceiving himself and others.

She didn't know what kind of identity she should take to face him, a friend who met him by chance?Or Yan Yifeng's lover?
Should she stand in front of him and scold him severely, or should she comfort him with nice words?
She was confused, and she didn't know what to do for herself.

She was afraid that she would not be able to face him, and that when she opened her mouth to speak, tears would flow uncontrollably...

She looked up at the ceiling and stopped the sour tears in her eyes before letting the guard go in to call him.

All of this has long been predestined, and she cannot avoid it. Even if she leaves here today, she will come here involuntarily tomorrow, because...she can't let it go.

After knowing the truth, she felt a little more concerned about him. She couldn't help worrying about him. Whenever she thought of that old face and heart, she couldn't help but feel pain...

Seeing him walking this way, Jie Yiyi came to the window and picked up the phone.

The man recognized Jie Yiyi at a glance, but after a slight shock, he hid again, walked towards this side with a calm face, and then picked up the phone.

Jie Yiyi stared at him unwaveringly, with a serious expression on her face.

After smiling politely at Jie Yiyi, he picked up the phone and sat down. He spoke first, "Miss Jie, why are you free to come over today? Where is Mr. Yan?"

His voice was old and hoarse, like a voice rubbed out of sandpaper, which made people feel uncomfortable.

Jie Yiyi's heart twitched naturally, because this was the first time she heard his voice.

Maybe he didn't know, she already knew the truth back then, maybe, he thought, she just came to visit him on a whim.

(End of this chapter)

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