Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 317 There Are Many Women Around Me

Chapter 317 There Are Many Women Around Me
The old man's face was serene, not as severe and scary as imagined, but the white beard on his chin made him look a little old.

"Father." Yan Yifeng lowered his head slightly, and he spoke only after saluting.

After the sound came out in the video, the old man put down the gold cup in his hand and slowly raised his head.

His eyes were a little deeper than before, and after a few seconds, he said, "Are you free?"

His voice was majestic but slightly hoarse, and his flat tone contained a hint of sarcasm.

"I'm sorry to be absent from your birthday dinner. I am willing to be punished by my father."

Yan Yifeng has always been extremely arrogant, but in front of the old man, his tone is completely different.

Although Asia is dominated by Yan Yifeng, compared with the old man, there is still a difference. Now he can't beat him.

The old man sneered and stroked his white beard, "You need to give me a satisfactory explanation!"

His words were crisp and clear.

"..." Yan Yifeng stared at him, but didn't speak.

If it wasn't for wanting to drive Yan Yixi away, he would sit here and talk to him?
In the first year of returning to Yan's house, he hardly lived a good life. He had to receive his training every day, strict discipline, and learning business management!

A year later, Yan Yifeng was already a very outstanding figure in the European Group, and he admired him with admiration and even admired him.

But at the same time, Yan Yifeng's hatred for him deepened. He doesn't like to be restrained by others, he only likes to restrain others!
If it weren't for the fact that his mother told him to recognize his father before his death, he didn't want to come to Europe at all.

Of course, if we hadn't returned to Europe, we wouldn't have the current CE.

Jie Yiyi will not appear in his world, let alone take his heart away...

"You can keep silent."

"Let's talk about that girl."

"Is she still unmarried?"

His tone seemed light, but Yan Yifeng knew what he meant.

He frowned slightly, "Father!"

"Bump—" A golden cup slammed into Yan Yifeng's side, finally there was a trace of anger on his serene face, and his voice became cold, "In your eyes, your father is not as good as that girl?"

"For her, you missed my birthday dinner? Disobedient to me?"

The sound of the glass hitting the camera was loud, but Yan Yifeng still sat there without changing his expression, "I am absent from your birthday dinner, and it has nothing to do with her!"

"It doesn't matter at all?"

The old man snorted coldly, "When will I allow you to let this kind of woman be pregnant with the Yan family's seed?"

His words made Yan Yifeng's eyes sink, "Did you take away the child in her belly?"

The old man narrowed his eyes, "If there is another time, then I must have taken the child in her belly!"

Yan Yifeng clenched his fists tightly, so he didn't send him?

"That kind of worthless woman is not suitable for you. I will send someone over in a few days."

"Playing with women, I have no objection. Playing with women has gone too far. I must stop you. Whether you are out for revenge or have real feelings, you must stop! You are not young, it's time to get married and have children!"

"There are many women around me, don't bother you! It's getting late, father, it's time for you to rest."

There was a faint smile on the old man's lips, "No matter how many women you have around you, marriage is still up to me. Don't try to provoke me... Otherwise, that girl's life will be more fragile than you imagined." !"

Before Yan Yifeng could respond, the video over there had been disconnected.

Yan Yifeng punched the computer, damn it!Dare to threaten him?
(End of this chapter)

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