Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 318 Don't Wear Shoes

Chapter 318 Don't Wear Shoes


That night, Jie Yiyi didn't sleep well, because she dreamed that she was on the operating table again.

This time, it wasn't the child who was taken away for no reason, it was Yan Yifeng who forced her.

He disliked her, he took revenge on her, and forced tools into her body, no matter how much she struggled, Yan Yifeng still did not let her go.

After he killed her child, he dragged her to the top floor of the hospital, forced her to the rooftop, and then, from behind her, pushed her down the stairs...

Dad and Shaofan were shot to death by him, he held Ai Shishi in his arms, and stepped on her corpse...

Jie Yiyi was sitting on the head of the bed, clutching the quilt tightly with both hands, recalling this nightmare, her whole body was covered with cold sweat.

Yan Yifeng... pushed her off the roof, and even brought Ai Shishi across her body.

Although it was just a dream, her heart became uneasy.

Will Yan Yifeng use this method to take revenge on her?

She didn't dare to imagine, because she didn't know him well, she only knew that as long as he wanted to, there was nothing he couldn't do!

She didn't realize until now that Yan Yifeng is so terrifying... maybe, this is his nature?

Wiping away the tears on her forehead, she didn't dare to recall that dream anymore, so she lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

Pushing open the floor-to-ceiling windows, she looked at the rising sun with a serious expression on her face.

In the past, as long as the sun bathed her body, the wounds in her heart could always be healed, but now... her heart is still as heavy as ever.

I don't know if it's because I'm too disappointed with the Jie family, or... because I know my background and know that I still have a father.

It should be that both sides hold certain elements!
After hearing what Jie Zhengxin said, whenever she recalled how he treated her well and cared about her, her heart would always ache.

But when she thought that her father had raped other women and caused her to lose her mother, her heart ached even more.

In fact, in her heart, she really hated him, even more than she hated Yan Yifeng, but seeing him locked up in prison, she couldn't open her mouth to scold him...

Perhaps, even if she asked about the past, she would speak plainly, because she was already bruised and bruised, with wounds everywhere, and she couldn't find a more painful place.

Maybe Shen Shen was so engrossed that she didn't even notice that Yu Shaofan came in.

Yu Shaofan looked behind her for a full half an hour. When she turned her head and was about to go in to wash up, she bumped into his arms, which had a unique fragrance that belonged to him.

Jie Yiyi realized something was wrong, first Yizheng, and then retreated from his embrace, "Shaofan... when did you come in?"

Yu Shaofan grabbed her shoulders, rubbed her sore forehead, and smiled softly, "I was outside just now and heard the sound of you getting out of bed, so I opened the door and came in. Seeing that you are so engrossed in thinking, I didn't bother you."

After rubbing his forehead, he let go of her and continued to speak, "Yiyi, you know? No matter what angle you stand at, as long as there is you, I think it is the most beautiful scenery."

Jie Yiyi blushed when he said that, she smiled awkwardly, "I...it's time to wash up."

Yu Shaofan nodded, "Well, let's go!"

Jie Yiyi walked around him, Yu Shaofan frowned, originally wanted to hug her, but when he thought she would refuse, he held back again.

"Yiyi, the floor is so cold, don't wear shoes, you'll catch a cold." A gentle voice sounded behind Jie Yiyi.

(End of this chapter)

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