Chapter 329
"Yeah." Yu Shaofan smiled softly.

After breakfast, it was almost twelve o'clock, and I was not hungry, so I didn't have lunch.

However, Jie Yiyi still went into the kitchen, cooked some dishes, and packed them into lunch boxes.

Today she and Yu Shaofan are going to visit Jiang Yang in prison.

He has a stomach problem, and the food in the prison is not good, and she wants him to have a good meal.

After finishing it, she followed Yu Shaofan out of the apartment and drove to the S City Public Security Bureau.

In fact, Jie Yiyi's heart was very disturbed along the way.

Tomorrow is his 60th birthday. In the past two days, she has wondered whether to call Yan Yifeng and ask him to release him for a day.

But when she thought that Yan Yifeng would use this to threaten her to go back to Yan's house, she gave up the idea again.

She really didn't want to go back to Yan Yifeng's side, not just because she didn't want to be tortured by him, but because she... was afraid.

She was afraid that if she was not careful, she would fall into the conspiracy designed by him. She was afraid that her unsteady heart would lean towards him and fall in love with him involuntarily.

About an hour later, Yu Shaofan's car stopped at the gate of the S City Public Security Bureau.

She took Yu Shaofan into prison and came to Jiang Yang's cell.

He was still sitting on the bed~ like last time, holding a pen tightly in his hand, writing something.

The guard went in to call him, and when he learned that Jie Yiyi was here, he hurriedly put down his notebook and went to the phone window, with a bit of joy in his voice, "Yiyi, are you here?"

Jie Yiyi asked the guard to hand him the lunch box she brought, and then said, "I brought you food."

A touch of emotion flashed in his eyes, he touched the warm bento box in his hand, his eyes were a little red, he put it aside, then looked up and saw Yu Shaofan, he couldn't help but say, "Yiyi, this is... ..."

Yu Shaofan smiled politely, and Jie Yiyi's voice was a little low, "He is my friend."

He used to be my boyfriend and my fiancé...but now just a friend and nothing more.

Jiang Yang didn't worry too much, but nodded, "Okay."

Seeing that he was holding a lunch box in his hand and had no intention of eating, Jie Yiyi reminded, "Eat first! It won't taste good when it gets cold."

"I... I'm used to it, it's okay."

Jie Yiyi looked at him and said nothing, Jiang Yang knew she was worried about him, so he put down the phone, opened the lunch box with trembling hands, picked up the vegetables, put them in his mouth and chewed, with a joyful smile on his face.

He picked up the phone again and praised, "Yiyi, your cooking is really delicious."

Jie Yiyi smiled bitterly, "Eat more if you like."

He put down the phone, instead of wolfing it down, he savored it slowly. On the way, he kept nodding, with tears dripping from his eyes.

Ten years ago, she was still a little girl, and she would always come here to act like a baby to him when she had nothing to do. In the blink of an eye, she had grown up. Not only was she beautiful, but she could also cook well. He was very pleased.

This time, Jie Yiyi sat there very calmly, without any emotion on her face, she already knew how to control emotions.

It was time to leave again, Jie Yiyi said goodbye to him, and was about to leave, but Jiang Yang stopped her, "Yiyi..."

Jie Yiyi turned her head and looked at him, "Huh?"

Jiang Yang looked at her, with his pale lips slightly parted, "Yiyi, in fact, Mr. Yan's mother is not..." At this point, he put his hand on his heart, even though he wanted to tell her the truth, he still held back. up.

He changed his words, "It's okay, Dad just misses you, it's getting late, you go back first!"

(End of this chapter)

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