Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 330 Was I Heartless Just Ago?

Chapter 330 Was I Heartless Just Ago?
Jie Yiyi didn't think too much about his words. After nodding, he put down the phone and left the prison.

Yu Shaofan put his arms around her shoulders, and he said, "Yiyi... Be strong."

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Jie Yiyi's mouth, "I'm fine."

Yu Shaofan patted her head, "How about taking you to the amusement park tonight?"

Amusement park... In an instant, her mind came up with the scene where she was almost raped in the amusement park last time.

Her chest couldn't help but tighten... The amusement park can't bring her joy, it can only bring her pain.

She shook her head, "No, the amusement park is a place for children to go."

Last time, after leaving with Huang Fulan, he didn't know that what happened to Jie Yiyi, he smiled and said, "In my eyes, you will always be a child."

However, she didn't want to go, Yu Shaofan didn't force her, and opened the car door for her. Just as Jie Yiyi was about to get in the car, someone behind her suddenly stopped her, "Yiyi."

Jie Yiyi didn't look back, and reflected his face through the car mirror. If Jie Boliang hadn't appeared in her new home last night, she wouldn't have hated their family so much, but now... huh!

Not to mention seeing him, hearing his voice made her feel extremely disgusted.

She was about to get into the car, but Jie Zhengxin behind him quickly took a step forward and took her hand, "Yiyi, don't do this, don't ignore Dad."

Jie Zhengxin's voice was pleading.

Jie Yiyi shook off his hand, her voice was indifferent, "I'm sorry, you mistook me, I don't have a father."

She denied him.Jie Yiyi did not expect that Jie Zhengxin would also come to visit Jiang Yang in prison today...

If she knew he would come, she would rather not come.

Even though she has taken all of this lightly,... Seeing him, she was afraid to close her eyes.

"Yiyi...I know you hate me for lying to you, but Dad...don't want to tell you the truth because he is afraid that you will be sad...Although we are not related by blood, we have been together for ten years after all, and I have long regarded you as my daughter .”

"Yiyi...you have no one to rely on now. Dad is worried that you will have a bad life outside alone. How about going back to Jie's house with Dad?"

Jie Yiyi knew that Jie's cooperation with CE had stopped, and yesterday there was news about attacking Jie's family in the newspaper, didn't he want to use her to make a deal with Yan Yifeng by letting her go back to Jie's house?

Ah!Does he dare to be more hypocritical?The acting skills are so good, why don't you go to act?

"That's enough. Don't talk about being dad. I'd rather be helpless than recognize a relative like you. I've seen through your schemes a long time ago. Don't waste your time. I won't accept your tricks."

"Shaofan, ignore him, let's go."

Jie Yiyi closed the car door and got in the car. No matter how Jie Zhengxin slapped the window, she never looked at him again.

"Uncle Jie, if you really feel sorry for Yiyi, please disappear! I will take care of Yiyi, so you don't have to worry."

After speaking, Yu Shaofan opened the car door and went in, started the car and left.

Jie Zhengxin looked at the leaving car, and sighed heavily, "I'm sorry Yiyi."

Yu Shaofan was driving the car, seeing that Jie Yiyi was silent, he took her hand and wrapped it tightly in his palm.

Jie Yiyi gave him a smile, "Shaofan, was I heartless enough just now?"

What she said made Yu Shaofan feel uncomfortable. She must be very sad when she asked such a question, right?

"Fool." He parked the car aside and held her in his arms, "Don't be afraid, no matter where you are in the future, I will protect you."

(End of this chapter)

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