Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 370 I'm Not Short of Money

Chapter 370 I'm Not Short of Money
Met Shaofan?

Generally, servants would not dare to call him by his name directly, and would call him Young Master in a very formal tone.

She actually called him by his first name. I always felt that she was a little special, different from ordinary drivers!
There are many things hidden in those brown eyes.

But if you pick it deliberately, can't you pick something strange?

Maybe it was because she was worrying too much.

Realizing that Jie Yiyi's expression was wrong, Huang Fulan broke her contemplation, "We will be neighbors from now on, don't you mind if I come to chat with you?"

Glancing at her, he put down the dish in his hand, "I don't mind."

Huang Fulan touched Jie Yiyi's hair unfamiliarly, "It's lunch time, I should go back and get ready, and I have to send Young Master Yu to the company in the afternoon."

Her smooth movement made Jie Yiyi stiff, why... this feeling is so familiar in her mind?

Those hands seemed to have been warmed by her before...

Huang Fulan suppressed the smile on her lips, glanced at Jiang Yang, turned and left, and closed the door.

Jiang Yang watched her leaving back, his chest trembled violently.

All along, they have been in contact by phone, and today... finally saw her.

But her appearance is completely different from ten years ago.


After a few seconds, Jie Yiyi shook her head, took out the stomach medicine in the bag, and handed it to him, "Three times a day, two pills each time."

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, he took the medicine and said, "Son... Dad has been here for more than ten years. Don't spend money on medicine in the future. If there is no cure, save some for yourself."

His own illness, he knew.

It's the same no matter how much medicine you take, your lifespan will be fixed there.

Jie Yiyi's bright eyes darkened a bit, "Eat it on time when you buy it."

Jiang Yang's eyes were moist, "My son... this week, Dad doesn't want to live and eat at home for free. Tomorrow, Dad will go out to find a job and earn some pocket money for you."

A soreness welled up in his throat.

Jie Yiyi turned her back, not looking at the expression on his face, "No one dares to hire you at this age, so just stay here."

She doesn't need money.

Jiang Yang handed her the newspaper in his hand, "Temporary workers are recruited here, 200 yuan a day."

Jie Yiyi tore up the newspaper, "I'm not short of money."

"In the past ten years, Dad has not done anything for you. Now... Finally, I have a chance. Dad wants to make up for you and do something for you."

"It's okay that you hate Dad, but Dad wants you to be happy."

His words made Jie Yiyi turn her head, "Mom won't forgive you, it's useless for you to do anything."

"My child...Actually, your mother..." Thinking of what Huang Fulan said to him, he endured it again.

"Mom is gone, have you repented for what you did before?"

Jiang Yang trembled his lips, wanting to say something... But he held back and nodded, "Son... Dad, I'm sorry."

"You should tell your mother this sentence!"

From beginning to end, it was his mother who was most disappointed with him, not her...

Although she is helpless now, at least she is still alive in this world, but what about her mother?She left alone.

"Dad knows that the cheapest thing in this world is to be sorry, but besides being sorry, Dad doesn't know what else to say..."


"If you have grievances in your heart, just scold if you have resentment. If you scold, Dad will feel better."

(End of this chapter)

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