Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 371 I Ask You Why Are You Crying? "

Chapter 371 I Ask You Why Are You Crying? "

If scolding could relieve the pain in her heart, she would have scolded from the first time she went to prison.

Things have already happened, so what if you scold them?After scolding him, my mother still won't come back.

Even scolding, the scar in her heart can't be erased...

Scolding will only increase her pain.

Suppressing her inner emotions, Jie Yiyi's face returned to normal.

Glancing at the wall clock, she lowered her eyes and said indifferently, "You should take your medicine!"

Jiang Yang knew that Jie Yiyi didn't want to bring up sad things, so he held back what he wanted to say to her.

He took out the medicine, poured two pills, put it in his mouth, swallowed it without rinsing his mouth with water.

Jie Yiyi held back her concern for him, turned and walked into the kitchen.

A person was squatting on the ground cleaning the vegetables. On the surface, it was meaningless, but in his heart, he was very uncomfortable.

She also wanted to try to let go, not to think about the past, but what should mother do?
Mom was killed by him, will mom forgive him?

Whenever she wanted to sit down, she would talk to him as if she were facing her father.

But when she thought of her mother's death, there was always an insurmountable hurdle in her heart, preventing her from doing so...

Every time the words came to her lips, she swallowed them back.

Peeling an onion in his hand, his eyes suddenly turned red.

She didn't know if she was soured by onions, or... In short, her heart was sour.

After rubbing her eyes, she felt better, and then she continued to peel.

Suddenly, her wrist was tightly clenched, and there was a sharp pain. Jie Yiyi raised her head, and a cold and handsome face appeared in front of her eyes.

Yan Yifeng snatched the onion from her hand, threw it aside, held her chin, and said coldly, "Is it smoked or crying?"

The pinched jaw hurt a little, Jie Yiyi pushed his hand away, "What are you doing?"

He stared closely at her reddish eye sockets, "I ask why are you crying?"

Jie Yiyi picked up the onion that was thrown on the ground, and gave him a disgusted look, "Which eye of yours saw me cry? I'm peeling an onion!"

After making sure she wasn't crying, Yan Yifeng released her, but his voice became unhappy.

"Didn't I tell you that I would send someone to deliver the food? What are you being so passionate about? Are you sure your cooking skills are better than Mama Feng's?"

Mother Feng?Hearing this name, her heart couldn't help but tremble slightly.

In my impression, I haven't seen Feng's mother for several days.

Reining in her emotions, Jie Yiyi put away the peeled onions and washed vegetables, and responded indifferently, "I have hands and feet, why should I eat and drink other people's things for nothing?"

"Because I'm pursuing you, you have this capital."

"Send people to watch me 24 hours a day, follow me, make people laugh at me, is this the way you pursue?" Jie Yiyi asked him back.

"I'm keeping you safe."

"I'm not the boss of the underworld, nor the daughter of a famous family. I have no enemies, no worth, and I don't need such a wonderful escort like you."

Yan Yifeng put his arms around her slender waist, "It is because you are so ordinary that I give you this privilege."

"That's how I appear to be nervous about you."

A feeling of disgust surged up, Jie Yiyi slapped off the hands around her waist, "Yan Yifeng, don't be disgusted, go out, I'm going to cook."

Yan Yifeng was pushed away by her, but did not leave, but leaned against the door, "Jie Yiyi, you forgot to bring your apron."

Lowering his head, he realized that he didn't have an apron on, and turned around to get it. At this time, Yan Yifeng had already taken off his suit, put on his apron and walked over here.

(End of this chapter)

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