Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 375 Because I'm Just Like You

Chapter 375 Because I'm Just Like You

Heart, gently sign.

What Yan Yifeng said to her in the hospital flashed through her mind.

"Jie Yiyi, when you are discharged from the hospital, I will take you to meet someone!"


"You will know when the time comes"

"Is it your father?"

"When the time comes, you will know"

"Jie Yiyi, we reconciled!"

"What settlement?"

"Jie Yiyi hold me tight"

"Yan Yifeng, you said reconciliation..."


She thought he was taking her to meet his father.

Didn't expect it to be... him?

If she didn't go to Jie's house to pick up the manuscript that afternoon, then is he planning to take her to pick him up on his [-]th birthday?

Then tell her all the truth?

He said reconciliation!Just... let Jiang Yang go... don't care about everything before, and start over with her?
A trace of complicated emotions welled up in his eyes.

She looked at him, "Since it's true love, then you should respect me and care about my feelings, instead of blindly threatening me, violently forcing me, forcing me, forcing me to do things I don't like to do."

"No woman can stand your way of loving."

"The tighter you hold, the farther I will be from you..."

"Because if you get too close, it will hurt and you will suffocate."

Love is like a stick of quicksand, the tighter you hold it, the more you lose.

If he could love in another way, it would make her feel warm.

Perhaps, her heart already belonged to him.

"Then what do you say I should do?"

"Let go? Help you and Yu Shaofan?"

"Jie Yiyi, don't even think about it!"

Took his heart and wanted to go away with other men?

Is it possible for her and Shaofan?
At the mention of his name, my chest didn't seem to be beating as fast as before.

Does she still have any love for him... She doesn't know herself.

"Yu Shaofan is not suitable for you!"

"The current him cannot give you happiness."

Lying down on his side, holding her in his arms, he spoke.

His words made her look up, "What do you mean?"

Why did he say that Shaofan couldn't give her happiness?

Could it be that he started to attack Yu Shi again?

Holding her chin, let her meet his dark eyes, "You don't love him at all!"

His words made her bright eyes darken slightly.

For some reason, my heart suddenly beats.

The uncertain look in her eyes made Yan Yifeng take a step forward with certainty, he curled his lips slightly, "Because you fell in love with me!"

"Did you find that you can no longer find the original sweet feeling when staying with Yu Shaofan?"

"If he touches and kisses you, will you mind, dodge, or even feel sorry for me?"

"At night, when I'm not by your side, do you feel that something is missing? Then you toss and turn, and finally lose sleep?"


Yan Yifeng wanted to continue talking, but Jie Yiyi had already interrupted him coldly, "Enough, stop being sentimental, I have never felt like this before."

What she said was flat, but she was very uneasy in her heart, and even a little overwhelmed.

Because...she was afraid that he would dig out all the secrets and truths buried deep in her heart.

So... she chose to escape.

The shoulder was held down by a strong hand, Yan Yifeng captured her expression, "Your eyes have betrayed you, you dare not look at me directly, because I have hit the mark!"

"Let me go." Jie Yiyi shook off his hand.

"Do you know why I know so well?"

"Because I'm just like you."

(End of this chapter)

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