Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 376 Going for a Walk in the Park

Chapter 376 Going for a Walk in the Park

All Yan Yifeng said was his own inner feelings.

He didn't know since when, he had lost interest in other women, and even touched them, he would feel a deep sense of guilt in his heart.

At night, without holding her to sleep, he would always feel extremely lonely, and would have a strong desire to have her by his side...

She was hurt...his heart ached, she was happy...his mood improved.

If he doesn't see her for a day, he will feel like a century has passed...

When she was by his side, he always felt that time passed too quickly...

Although she is not everything, losing her is like losing the whole world.

It was so unbearable...

After struggling, she turned her head in disbelief.

His eyes are like a stream of river water in winter, although it is deserted, it makes people feel comfortable.

It seems that if you look at it more, you will not be able to help but sink.

She subconsciously withdrew her gaze and denied, "No...I'm different from you, my heart belongs to Shaofan alone."

"Jie Yiyi, stop deceiving yourself and others."

He straightened her face, "If it's not the same, if it's not what I said, then why do you dodge? Why don't you dare to look at me directly?"

"What are you afraid of?"

His questioning made her cheeks inexplicably hot and her heart beat faster...

Forced to do so, she had no choice but to meet his gaze, pretending to be calm, "When did I get scared? I need to pee urgently, I need to go to the toilet."

Yan Yifeng snorted coldly, "Jie Yiyi, your reasoning is really bad, it's so bad."

She admitted that her reasons were indeed too bad.

It was so bad that even she couldn't help but want to laugh at it.

"believe it or not."

Pushing away the hand on her shoulder, Jie Yiyi turned and went into the bathroom.

After closing the door, Yan Yifeng's voice sounded outside the door, "Jie Yiyi, I won't force you, one day I will make you admit it willingly!"

Leaning against a cold wall.

She clutched her chest.

Yan Yifeng's words kept echoing in her mind.

She fell in love with him?
She asked herself this question more than once.

But after all, I still can't find the answer... and I don't dare to be sure.

She fears the truth too.

She can't fall in love with him...

will hurt.


This afternoon, Jie Yiyi deliberately avoided him, when he was in the living room, she hid in the room, when he came to the room, she hid in the toilet.

She needs time to see her heart clearly.

Yan Yifeng didn't intend to leave after dinner.

Then she took Jie Yiyi and left the apartment.

When they got downstairs, Jie Yiyi asked in puzzlement, "Yan Yifeng, where are you taking me?"

Yan Yifeng took her hand and said leisurely, "Go for a walk in the park."

stroll?the two of them?hand in hand?

Freeing her hand from his hand, she stopped, "I'm not free."

Today's clothes haven't been tidied yet, and she's looking for trouble, she's a little tired after cleaning the glass mirror all afternoon.

How could Yan Yifeng agree to her?He grabbed her hand and walked towards the park.

His appearance is outstanding, whether it is night or day, he looks handsome and compelling.

As soon as the front foot left, the aunts behind him began to discuss.

"I heard that this young man is very powerful, and even the police have to show respect to him."

"Isn't it? You didn't see his subordinates driving a luxury car to deliver breakfast in the morning. That scene was really spectacular."

"Having a boyfriend like this makes a girl really happy."


(End of this chapter)

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