Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 377 Please Say I Love You? 1

Chapter 377 Just Say I Love You? 1
His face was flushed by what the aunt behind him said.

This time, Yan Yifeng held her tightly, and Jie Yiyi couldn't pull her hand away, so she could only whisper, "Yan Yifeng, if you let go, you will be misunderstood by others."

He stayed at her house all day long, and those aunts all mistakenly thought that she and him were boyfriend and girlfriend.

A burst of pleasant smell came, Yan Yifeng bowed his head, with a slight smile on his lips, "I'm already asleep, what's there to be shy about pulling your little hands?"

"You..." Clenched your fist and was about to smash it, maybe because tonight is the weekend, there are a lot of roadsides.

Seeing that one by one turned their eyes to her, she thought for a while and lowered her fist again.

She doesn't want others to think that she is a violent girl.

Usually, Yan Yifeng never shuttles around crowded places, but today he is very special.

Her apartment is not very close to the park, and it takes at least half an hour to walk.

Yan Yifeng couldn't drive a car, so he chose to walk?

And along the way, there were many nympho, almost every girl couldn't help screaming when she saw him.

But he didn't seem to care, his face was calm, even a little disdainful, such aloofness caused those women who wanted to strike up a conversation to back away...

Damn Yan Yifeng... With such a monstrous appearance, she will cause trouble everywhere, but she can only bow her head in low self-esteem.

The wind tonight is very gentle, blowing on the face can bring a kind of lazy comfort.

Gradually, the crowd decreased, and Jie Yiyi became more at ease, facing the wind, enjoying the solid feeling of holding hands with big hands.

"Honey, I'm thirsty."

"Hey, wait for me here, and I'll buy you water."

"I don't want to drink water, I want to eat ice cream." The girl nestled on the man's shoulder and pointed to the ice cream shop in front of her.

The man fondled her hair, "Hey, I'll buy it for you."

"But ice cream is a dessert. If I eat too much, I'm afraid of getting fat. My dear won't love me if I get fat."

"Baby, you're thinking about it again. I love everything about you. No matter what you become, I still love you."

"Honey, you are so kind to me, I love you."

After kissing the man on the face, the two entered the ice cream shop arm in arm.

Looking at the backs of the two lovingly, Yan Yifeng did not continue to move forward, but walked towards the ice cream shop on the left.

Following his footsteps, Jie Yiyi asked suspiciously, "Yan Yifeng, what are you doing?"

"A cup of ice cream."

"Okay, 20 yuan a cup."

Throwing a gold card to him, the waiter smiled at him, "Excuse me, sir, cards are not accepted here."

Despite being puzzled, Jie Yiyi still took out snacks from his pocket and handed them to her.

Just as the waiter was about to take it, Yan Yifeng took the ice cream from the waiter's hand, threw down a 100 yuan note, and left with Jie Yiyi.

"Hey... Yan Yifeng, you haven't found the money yet."

Yan Yifeng ignored her and pulled her to sit on a small bench in the park.

Opened the ice cream, took out a scoop, and handed it to Jie Yiyi's lips, he said, "Eat."

She frowned, she didn't seem to say that she wanted to eat ice cream, did she?

"I just finished eating, I can't eat, you can eat by yourself."

His eyes turned cold, and his voice was a little cold, "I bought this for you!"

"..." What happened to him?

Seeing that the ice cream was about to melt, she thought for a while, if she didn't eat it, Yan Yifeng would definitely lose her temper again, so she opened her mouth and swallowed it.

His gloomy face improved slightly, and he took out another spoonful and handed it to her, "Say you love me!"

(End of this chapter)

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