Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 396 It's Only Two Weeks Now

Chapter 396 It's Only Two Weeks Now

"Push." ​​He said meaninglessly.

What is a banquet?
For her, he can push the old man's birthday dinner.

"Hehehehe." She laughed, not sarcastic, but sweet, a smile that didn't fit her mouth.

"What are you laughing at?" He frowned, seeing her like this, the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, half smiling, half happy or angry.

"Laughing that you are sick." The smile subsided, and she pushed him away, and she fell into bed, her chest hurting badly.

His body was straightened violently, and he looked at him, and he said coldly, "Jie Yiyi, how dare you scold me?"

She let go of her admiring gaze, and her lips were even more gorgeous, like poppies, provocative but poisonous, "I'm just praising you."

A cold breath swept over like a storm~, her lips were blocked tightly.

He occupied her and snatched her, as if he wanted to swallow up all the goodness in her mouth, and let her suffocate in his arms.

"Well... you bastard." The little hand hammered him hard, but her attack was zero, like scratching an itch... it was very pleasant.

Kissing like this, the big palm naturally penetrated into her clothes, ravaging her skin.

There is beauty in the pain, a wonderful feeling rising...rising...until the room is full of scorching heat and full of beauty.

Damn it... It's that feeling again, wanting to touch but can't, wanting to bear but unable to.

The provocative panting of the woman under him made him wish he could take off her clothes and occupy her...

Let go of her lips, Yan Yifeng said, "This is my reward for you."

Then he turned and went into the bathroom, unable to bear it, could only apply ice cubes to reduce the fire.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, Jie Yiyi was also tired, and after a while, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.


Knowing that Yu Shaofan would definitely appear downstairs in the apartment, Yan Yifeng turned off her cell phone and closed the windows in advance.

He hugged her into bed early to keep warm.

She wanted to resist what he did, but would it work?
This domineering man never considered her feelings.

In the middle of the night, I was awakened by a man's heavy panting.

Opening his eyes, in the dark night, he was pressing on her body, caressing...

The tongue and lips are also teasing ~ teasing the sensitive parts of her body.

"Hmm..." A low moan came out of her mouth.

The kiss moved to the cheek and came to her ear.

The scorching heat sprayed her, and a burst of wonderful feelings rose...

"Jie Yiyi~ I want you!"

She heard the sound of him unbuttoning.

His hoarse voice was seductive and extremely charming, "Hey, spread your legs, I won't hurt you."

Although the body has already felt it, but...Jie Yiyi endured the passion ~ lust, and pushed him away, "The doctor said... it will take at least a month or more, and now it is only two weeks."

Her voice was very thin, like a mosquito... waxy, and to him who was on fire, it was another kind of indescribable temptation.

The little hand that pulled it moved under him, and he snorted, "I won't touch you, but you have to deal with it."

When her hand touched his provocative part, she immediately withdrew her hand, and Yan Yifeng held her down, not letting her leave.

Jie Yiyi was sleepy, but... there was something pressing against her.

In the end... his hands were sore, he was satisfied.



White light came in through the screen window.

She opened her lazy eyes.

There seems to be a trace of charm in the room that has not faded.

Thinking of last night, the tossing in the middle of the night, her cheeks were flushed.

She... helped him solve it with her hands last night?

I shook my hand, it was sore...

(End of this chapter)

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