Chapter 397

I shook my hand, it was sore...

But even so, in her sleep, she vaguely heard the sound of splashing water in the bathroom, which seemed to last for a long time before it stopped.

A high-level beast like Yan Yifeng, of course, can't quench his hunger and thirst with his small hands.

Although, thinking of him taking a cold shower, I can't bear it in my heart, but there is no doubt... This is the fate of a boring~sexy man...

If it hadn't been for his self-igniter, which burned his whole body with gunpowder, he wouldn't have to suffer from the cold shower.

Shake your head.

Looking at the calendar on the bedside, her chest couldn't help tightening up.

Today... is the last day of the week.

What will happen today, she doesn't know...

But she knew that she had to make a difficult choice today.

This choice will change her life.

The side of the still empty.

He's gone... It's like this every morning, he left nothing behind, only a trace of residual warmth floating in the air.

She pressed her chest, as if someone else had added a boulder to her heart.

Her heart sank again.

It was so uncomfortable to breathe.

When she was about to make breakfast, when she passed Jiang Yang's room, she heard another cough.

He has been taking the medicine prescribed by the doctor on time, but his condition is getting worse...

In fact, Jie Yiyi was in a panic!

He didn't agree to take him to the hospital at all, and would rather suffer than cost her a penny.

But for him to be like this, isn't it a painful thing for her?
After breakfast, when giving him medicine, Jiang Yang kept saying to her, I'm sorry...

Ask him why he said sorry...he doesn't answer.

It's just that the eyes were filled with tears, but they didn't flow down.

Although her heart was twisted like a knife, she still held back her emotions.

For what Jie Yiyi doesn't like, Jiang Yang has never been reluctant, but today... maybe because he thought about going back to prison tomorrow, he hugged her and secretly shed a lot of tears...

It's weird... The lingering Yan Yifeng today hasn't appeared since he left in the morning.

Three in the afternoon.

She received a text message from Yan Yifeng.

The content of the text message is very short: See you in the palace at 7:30 in the evening!I will send a driver to pick you up. "

In a short line of words, there is no domineering threat, but an undeniable tone.

What should come will come, and what should be faced will always be faced.

Instead of replying to him, she called Yu Shaofan and apologized to him for what happened yesterday.

Although he was concerned, Yu Shaofan still held back everything he wanted to say and ask.

If a person is too kind, he will be bullied. For the sake of love, he should learn to be ruthless.

Yu Shaofan wasn't angry about what happened yesterday...

The two chatted as usual.

Jie Yiyi didn't tell her about Yan Yifeng's appointment with her...

Finally, the dark curtain came.

There is still an hour until 07:30.

She, who usually dresses casually, stood in front of the closet today, and after a long time of picking, she still couldn't find a suitable one.

In the end...a pink dress was chosen.

She in front of the mirror... The skirt is simple in style, not tied at the waist, not low-cut, pink, and it can naturally blend with her skin color...

The black and naturally curly hair is draped over pink shoulders, giving people a pure and natural feeling, which is attractive but not greasy.

Paired with small high-heeled shoes, without deliberately dressing up, it creates an unusual aesthetic feeling...

(End of this chapter)

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